𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 9

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Amelia had  a nightmare. She woke up sweating and heavily breathing. She removed her sheets off her, stood up and walked to get a glass of water.
As she arrived  the kitchen, she remembered she had wanted to ask her mother a question she was curious about but decided to go to her mothers room right after she drinking  her water.

She took a jar of water and poured some into the glas she was holding in her left hand. After drinking, she went tiptoeing to her mothers door.

Amelia's told herself :
"Come on, Amy  you can do it. Here goes nothing."

She knocked the door, no response. She waited a few seconds till she knocked another time. Because of no long response, she decided to carefully  open the door and enter the room.

As she opened the door and lifted up her head, the glas of the water fell off her hand and broke into pieces, because her mother was gone.

Amelia was shocked  and scared at the same time. "How can she not be there in this timing? Did something happen to her?" She told herself. Because of fear she had, she decided to call the police but she was scared that there would be someone who is spying on her and shoot her with a gun if she calls the cops. She calls them anyway.

Police officer:"The police  speaking, may I help you?"

Amelia :"H-hi...umm.. I woke up at this timing to drink a glas of water but then I noticed my mother is gone and she can't be found anywhere. I think she got kidnapped and I'm scared. My brother is in college and I'm home alone. I need your help!"

Police officer:"Ok, please calm down, ma'am. Could you tell me your mom's name?"

Amelia:"Olivia Rose and I'm Amelia Rose."

Police officer:"Alright then...can I get your address?"

Before Amelia answer the police officer, she heard a loud gunshot and immediately hid under the kitchen table.

Police officer:"Amelia? Are you ok? I heard a gunshot. Could you please tell me your address?"


????:Amelia dear, I came for you! You're probably wondering where your mother is, you're right...because she's not there, but with me. Now come with me I won't hurt  you, dear."

Suddenly Chris kicked the door and jumped on him. He started beating him up, Amelia was scared and her phone didn't have network anymore and couldn't talk to  the police officer anymore so that they'll arrest the robber in their house.  The police tracked her phone and were on their way.

The robber was laying on the ground after Chris had  finished beating him up. Amelia got out of the kitchen table and hugged Chris with tears on her eyes.

Chris:"What happened, princess? Why are you crying? Where is your mother?"

Amelia whimpered and said:
"T-This man kidnapped her! He wanted to kill me and kidnap me. Quick, see if  the police are here yet so they'll arrest him before he wakes up!"

The man who was on the ground pretended to be "dead" then stood up and was about to run, but the cops were already outside.

Amelia and Chris were surprised, especially Amelia.

Two police officers took the man into the police car and drove off to the station.

2 others stayed to question Amelia and Chris and to find  them Mrs. Rose.

Amelia's mother was found in a van outside.

Amelia got happy to see her mother, she ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Amelia:"Mom!!! Glad  you're alright! I'm so happy you're with me, I can't live without you. Mama, how did the police got here, I couldn't tell them our address."

Her mother giggled a little and responded:"You know, since that robber kidnapped me and went on his way to kidnap you too, he left me at this van, I remembered I still had my kitchen knife in my pocket, so I untied myself with the use of my strong knife. I didn't had my phone, so I searched for one until I found one and called the police then told them everything including our address. I was so worried about you, sweetheart."

Amelia:"Oh mom! I love you so much!"
Olivia Rose hugged her again. Chris was already standing behind smiling at what he was looking.
He approached the two to talk to them.

Chris:"Hello, Mrs. Rose,  I'm you and your daughter see  safe, by me. That bastard wanted to kidnap her too, but I didn't let him, thank god he got arrested."

Mrs.Rose:"Thank you for saving my daughter, dear! How did you manage to come to our house to save my daughter when no one had even told you?"

Chris:"I was stressed by some things, so I woke up to go on a night walk, as I was walking, I was 5 minutes  away your  house until I heard a loud gunshot, I rushed to see what is going on, till I saw that robber entering your house door."

Mrs.Rose:"Thank you again, dear. Do you want me to bring you home? Are you maybe hungry? Do you want to stay the night at us?"

Chris:"No thanks I'm-"

Suddenly it started raining. Amelia looked at Chris worriedly. It was staring to get cold, too.

Mrs.Rose:"Oh darling...do you wanna stay by us? You could catch a cold in this rain while walking home, besides it's an hour away. Look at you, you aren't wearing a jacket. So get inside. I will tell your mother that you're staying at our house."

Chris:"Thank you for this nice invitation, miss."

Mrs.Rose:"Okay then! Let's all go inside. Kids, I'm going to sleep, Amelia let Chris sleep with you, because we don't have another bedroom."

Amelia:"Oh it's ok, I will sleep on the floo-."

Chris:"No, I want to sleep with my girl.
Amelia blushed by his words. She couldn't do anything, but then avoided her feeling since she was getting tired.

Amelia:"Fine, this way."

The two reached her room, got into her bed. Chris got on there first, then pointed her that she should sleep on his chest.

Amelia:"Haha, that's alright, I can just-"
Chris:"I said, sleep on my chest. Now you naughty girl, don't make your master angry."

Amelia blushed and did as he said. As she slowly closed her eyes, she felt Chris kissing her head telling her goodnight with her nickname "baby girl"
She said goodnight back and fell asleep tiredly. They cuddled and slept together.

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