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Pov: Author

That night, you entered the room, Stardust wasn't there. Leaving the letter in the coffee table, the door slam behind you.
That is not right...

You looked behind your back seeing him leaning against the wall, with his left arm on the slammed door. Oh boy...

"You don't have to slam the door, plus I was looking for you everywhere!"

"Hey, I'm sorry okay? I was suppose to scare you." He giggled on you expression within your face.

"You really need to be fucking kidding me.
And oh, a letter here. It's a School invite for your eldest child." You handed him the letter. "Here, read it."

He sliently read the letter.

"Well, she can go to school but-"

Then the kids burst out the door.

"LET'S FUCKING GO!" Yelled Starry Cosmos.

Slience surround for a moment.

Uh oh

"Ahem ahem? Starry Cosmos? What did you say?"

"I said let's fucking go! I mean, like sissy can go to school now. So yeah... plus fucking is a cool word!"

You slapped your face, Stardust stared at her for minutes to realized what she said is bad.

"Okay, you guys go to your own beds now...especially you Cosmic Ivy, you wikl wake up early tommorow. Starry Cosmos stay."

As they left, Starry Cosmos is just standing menecingly over the bed. She knew that she must ascert dominance against her own parents.

"Sweetie, you see... the f word... is a bad word." You explained to her calmly.

"Oh, okay... then sorwy?"

After some few talks, you return her to her bedroom and slept.


"Well,well,well... seems the night owl sent the letter succesfully. You came here for the tuition, am I right Mx.Y/N?"

"Oh yes it does. She was very excited, I hope she will enjoy here."

"Oh I'm sure she does, after all... we make sure that all cookies in this institute will be safe. Just don't take magic too far, y'know?."

"I'm sure she will, she was a well-mannered daugther of mine. I knew she can o her best in this school."

"Alright, she'll be attending school starting tommorow. Since you paid also for her dorm, are you sure to let her stay here?"

"Oh I'm sure, after all, she can visit us anytime right?"

"Ahh yes, she would. Good luck for her then."

"Yep, good luck for her."

<> Hmm... I see m'lady, I'll try to do everything to take power of her... Drake enchantress.. your reign will last... Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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