Chapter One.

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I honestly have no Idea how to even begin to describe a work like this, best I could say is that this is dozens of different Genres, Franchises, Works, Novels and just overall a gigantic Worldbuilding/Character Driven story (an attempt at both simultaneously.) That I'm hoping to pull off, I'm sure that someone else could define it alot better. But for now, I'll just call it a Superwork. As that is well...more of less what it is.

This universe had no beginning, it was always there. And it had no limit to it's size or area and stretches to Infinity. As matter cannot be created or destroyed, Creation itself is a flawed ideal.

There are no Omnipotent or Immortal entities present within the story, i am trying to create a work that focuses on Mortalkind, limited lives, lives of negativity and positivity, how they balance it, what impact they can make in such a fleeting life and overall just an Allegory for life itself.

A reflection of how I view life, purpose, existence and time and an exploration of my worldview through a massive work of thousands and thousands of potential characters and settings.

Such an ambitious task is gonna be quite Daunting and I don't know how long I'll write before I end up giving up, but for now I'll try and ignore any potential expectations and write from my Heart to each page. It will be divided into Pages, Chapters, Plot Points, Arcs and Sagas.

I guess at this point there isn't much for me to say or do other than proceed.

Here's Chapter One, Page One.

BAM! Struck out a wave of Artillery shells that pounded across entire acres of land. The long and thick line of Fire spreading for miles as entire grounds filled up in color with trees, ponds and boulders turned entirely grey with smoke and ash within seconds. And in those seconds it multiplied, since these weapons had been firing not for seconds but for hours, an enormous Wave of smoke, dust and ash had generated entire clouds and winds of chaos that spiraled across the entire Region of the Nation.

The few shacks or cabins that once Inhabited the Outskirts of our small town were reduced to cinders or reduced to the wood of the trees they were cut from. Nothing survived even this initial bombardment, and nothing would or could survive the waves fired in the next salvos.

Then came the Planes, and they left clouds of smoke and fire with every bomb they dropped, and they dropped dozens with each flight. The fireballs mixed with smoke winds and firestorm were born over the land, the heat in firestorm and the fast winds of smoke and dust were more than enough to make Storms and hurricanes born from War.

The Storms struck randomly but harshly at the lands below for miles as they rattled harshly, Civillians were evacuated months ago and were lucky enough to not have to witness the monstrosity but even the most veteran of men felt their knees grow weak as all lines of troops paled at the sight of the chaos.

And speaking of the men who's eyes had to witness this fiery chaos. Three sides witnessed the carnage upon the Town of Bangpae, once named Hallyong-Ni.

The Army of Kim or the Civil Armada stared on with multiple feelings, their enemy was relentless and yielded great numbers. Their assaults had devastated their own ranks and had now left them to destroy their own Nation to hold the Alliance back. They watched this...storm of war unfold on their Bangpae as few buildings survived if any at all from the Hurricanes that washed on their walls, causing collapses and crumbling for hundreds of yards.

Yet, the men held expressions ranging from uneasiness to hopeful. For they clung to the chance that the destruction of the Town would slow the advance of their enemies on their great Stronghold.

The railways were destroyed, roads were useless, the heliports and the terrain was to be put simply removed from existence. The Town was rendered useless for any offensive purposes against the alliance now. All that remained was the Tonglo Highway, badly damaged but potentially restorable as Korean soldiers had observed.

A Counterattack with an army battered down with a Civil War against an entire global alliance was suicide. despite a wave of backup on arrival, an attempt to push the alliance back was absolutely not an option. And so they had decided it was best to wreck the highway with their Artillery.

Small cracks and dentured riddled the highway on it's Bombardment, amazingly it held and the Koreans realized their smaller calibers weren't going to bring it down. Shuffling, positioning and a chaos of orders and communication spread through the rank in file as they called for larger, heavier and deadlier Missile Pods and Rocket Projectors. With a series of proper bombardment units, they were ready to absolutely pound on the Highway.

The R-445 Heavy Attack Platform readied it's Legs out of their extensions as the tracks folded in on themselves. Taking the 14 foot machine up to over 45 feet tall by it's legs as the hexapod machine had lifted all of it's 44 light tons of weight onto it's feet. It's Missile Silo opening as the Bunker Busters prepared to level not only the Highway but to permanently sink the area rendering the whole town inoperable.

With twelve of it's sister machines, the machine walked up on the hillsides, their receptors gaining visuals of the Town.

Corpses, many rotting, many still fresh. Civillians were quite few but still held a tragic presence, most were those getting to work in the industrial sectors or wanderers in the Parks within the Outskirts. Others were law enforcement and military killed in the intense bombardments and the BANGPAE INCIDENT 2068.

But they confirmed their target, the corpses of the British 223rd Light Company, the machines scanned the first two hundred meters of the Town and uncovered 77 British Tags, all were deceased. This was the confirmation the machines were looking for, the Town was fully abandoned by the alliance and the weapons began rising up to the highest points of the hills.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP went machinery across the visors and the transmitters of the Korean soldiers. Were they getting orders from High Command just now? BEEP, BEEP, BEEP went the machines again and much louder, picking up a wave of targets in the skies but the Korean force saw nothing. Perhaps birds? But what bird goes at Mach Three?

...what bird goes at Mach Four? The machines went at a new BEEP, BEEP, BEEP almost stabbing into the helmets of the soldiers as they panicked rapidly into rushing into their positions as now the Fleet of Black Jets had revealed themselves. The F66, the only aircraft in the world that turned invisible.

More precisely, sixteen of them. In total, three hundred and twenty bombs and missiles rained on the R-445's. And within exactly eleven seconds of bombardment, they went from Thirteen strong to zero. And the North Korean army had now been left with an eleventh of their Vanguard killed or wounded.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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