Cold Vengeance

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Coldsteel the Hedgehog had always been a solitary figure, never quite fitting in with Sonic and his friends. He was always envious of their close bond and wished that he could be part of it. But as time went on, his envy turned to resentment, and finally to hatred.

One day, Coldsteel decided that he was going to take out his frustrations on Sonic's friends. He spent months planning his attack, studying their movements and weaknesses.

Finally, the day arrived. Coldsteel launched his assault on Sonic's friends, attacking them one by one. He started with Tails, sneaking up on the young fox and taking him by surprise. Tails tried to fight back, but Coldsteel was too powerful. He knocked Tails out and left him lying on the ground.

Next on Coldsteel's hit list was Knuckles. The echidna put up a good fight, but Coldsteel was too fast and too strong. He knocked Knuckles out with a single blow and moved on to the next target.

Coldsteel's next victim was Amy. He caught her off guard and knocked her unconscious, leaving her lying on the ground.

As he was about to move on to his next target, Sonic arrived on the scene. He was furious and determined to put an end to Coldsteel's rampage.

The two hedgehogs engaged in an intense battle, with Coldsteel using all of his strength and cunning to try and defeat Sonic. But Sonic was just too fast and too powerful. In the end, he emerged victorious, knocking Coldsteel out and bringing him to justice.

With Coldsteel defeated and Sonic's friends safe, the group banded together to celebrate their victory. Sonic couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness for Coldsteel, knowing that his jealousy and loneliness had driven him to such extreme measures. But for now, he was just glad that his friends were safe, and that they could move forward together.

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