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(One year ago )

In the village hidden in the leaf there was couple who recently give birth to a child. This couple was known other than minato and kushina. They were little sad because before kushina was pregnant they decided to give their child to the orphanage because they thought they were not ready for this child.
This child is our main character of this story naruto. They kept him for one month without telling anyone they only told who are really close to their family example hiruzen,jariya tsunade etc. To which only hiruzen and mikoto were angry on them and opposed their  decision of leaving this child in the orphanage. But minato and kushina didn't listen and put naruto at the door of the orphanage and left him there.

(After one year later)

Kushina was giving birth to two twins. After giving birth Biwako was walking towards minato to hand over the kids to their father but she and the nurse dropped dead because someone wearing black cloak with mask had sliced their throat and was holding the twins in this hand pointing kunia at them.......[we all know what happened so Timeskip to sealing the nine tails] with the help of hiruzen, jariya and someone they sealed the kyubi in his twins giving both of them 49.5% of the power and giving 1% to kushina so that she could save her life. The next day minato announce the successful sealing of the kyubi in a boy. The people were angry and wanted to kill this child. They wanted to know who was this boy. Minato announce that this child was naruto. But also said that he is a orphan and if he found someone hurt this child they will he executed.Then he announce that he is the father of twins to which the crowd shouted saying congratulations.After this announcement minato was sitting on the hokage chair doing paperwork suddenly hiruzen opened the door in anger and asked minato what was he thinking about announcing naruto as the jinchuriki to which minato replied saying he just not wanting people saying harsh words to the twins. Which angerd hiruzen but he didn't replied and left but before going he announce that the he will never talk to namikaze.To which froze minato.

[Timeskip after 12 years]

Our blonde sunshine was sleeping in his tree house in the forest of death. The question is why is he was living in the forest of death. Because when he was 4 the orphanage kicked him out while mumbling something which he couldn't hear so he doesn't know why?
When the Sunrays reached his eyes, he was slowly waking up. When he saw the time his was shocked that there was only 20 minutes before his exam starts. So in a hurry he does his morning routine and reached the school 5 minutes early. He sat at his usual place which was at the corner of the classroom near the window

[After exam]

Our blonde was sitting on the swing which was one of his favorite places with a sad face, the reasons for the it us that he failed for the second time because his Chakra coils couldn't generate Chakra. Because on the day of his birth only 0.22% of kyubi Chakra got inside his body and messed up his Chakra coils to which produce Chakra. Because of this he couldn't do any jutsu and the only Chakra was only 0.008% which was only keeping him alive and in colour of orange. While he was sitting there everyone who were at the gate were either talking or laughing or celebrating but most of the parents were super happy because someone has failed. While naruto was sitting in the swing someone approached that someone was his sensei Mitsuki. Mitsuki makes a deal with naruto saying, he will pass him but he will have to do something , that was stealing the scroll of sealing through which naruto agreed without giving a second thought.


Someone was walking in the forest, when he feel Something powerful like the day when the kyubi attack. He raced to the place by hoping tree from tree. When he reached to the place where the aura was he saw was a blonde boy which he recognized as the  prankster of konoha and he had outraned many anbus. He saw that someone was on his lap with a fuma shuriken stuck at his back and was bleeding. He then saw someone with blue hair laughing so concentrated to hear what says. [Everyone knows what he said] he couldn't believe what  he heard, so he thought that he would ask the forth face to face. After what the blue hair chunin said to him which made blonde was in shock but after seeing the person the person on his lap and hearing what he says  his angerd double then the previous time because that blue haired chunin has injured one of his precious people. The individual felt that the natural Chakra was going into the boy. He felt the pressure in the air double so before he could do anything the blonde stand up and does the seal of the shadow clone but he his first sigh was wrong but when he finished his signs and he put all the Chakra in this jutsu. The person thought that this blonde's jutsu will not work,as he was about to remove his weapons he froze in shock because the blonde had made hundreds shadow clones while doing the wrong hand signs. his clones beat the chunin, after that he was  unconscious. Seeing this boy he made his first and only decision which was to make this boy his apprentice. He left the place when he sensed the anbu were coming.

[At hokage's office]
We see that the forth hokage was fighting with his worst enemy of all time....... the paperwork. After signing the documents of the previous reckess the door of the room and in front of minato was the man who alongsided him won the Third great shinobi war. This man who was standing infront of minato was the man who was the first candidate for the forth hokage but he declined. He was the man who will give one of the sanin a ran for the money and he also masterd most of the weapons like sword, staff, tanto, daggers etc. He is 'Konoha no buki-shin'  [ Weapon god of konoha] his name is.........................................
                           Tsurugi Tanaka



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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