Chapter Eight - Bad Timing

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His arms stayed crossed as he leaned back and not so subtly tried to catch a glimpse of her blonde locks – but nothing. Nothing?

"She's not here today."

Mason flinched, looking over to the person behind the counter. It wasn't Wendy today – but a new face instead. He had black tufted hair, and a graphic shirt worn under his signature plaid button-up that was left unbuttoned.  But of course, he was a Gleeful. He knew who this was.

"I never said I was looking for her."

Robbie chuckled, a hand to his mouth. "Hey man, if you wanna see her, that's okay. I don't judge. But she hasn't gotten back from her sleepover yet." He shrugged nonchalantly, leaning into his chair. He started to flip a coin repeatedly – probably to eat up some time.

Days had passed since then.

And she's still with Grenda? The thought made his eye twitch before he recollected himself. Why did that even matter? They were probably doing something useless, and honestly, he was not at all curious as to what they were up to. To add to that, she is most definitely thinking about him being here since it was a Thursday.  According to the schedule. The plan was working.

Mason shook his head at the thought, grabbing some random object from the shelf to ring up as usual. He would kill for some tea right now.


His fingers plucking to the beat along with a tentative eye reading the notes - the gleeful brother occupied himself with one of his instruments in his secret bunker. Of course, despite himself, he played another song by BABBA, but one with a slower tune. As he played "My Love, My Life" on his electric guitar, a low hum rose from the back of his throat; unable to help himself from singing along.

"So now, we'll go separate ways,

Never again, we two."

He hummed mindlessly, closing his eyes to enjoy the music. His usual brown hair that had stayed tucked behind his ear was now falling over his eyes a little but he paid no mind to it.

Suddenly, a wave-like emotion sends shivers up his spine and his index finger throbs a little. 

Oh. She was with the flower again.

She's back?

His eyebrow arched, but he didn't want to make too much movement. Mason was a perfectionist and he knew he needed to finish the song first before doing anything else. So instead, his mouth continued to hum as his mind continued to race.

Really? She had to come back today? Not yesterday, when he was literally right there?

I mean, he was not looking forward to seeing her. But at this point, his plan was going excruciatingly slow. Mr. Gleeful was more patient than one might think but even he had his limits. Just how long did he have to keep this act up? All the social interactions he had to do was eating him up inside.

"Like reflections of your mind,

My Love, My Life."

And now what? He just had to continue this charade? His fingers pressed on the chords with more strength as his other hand continued to pluck. He was close. He knew he was. She finally requested something of him and he could tell she had developed an interest in it from how much she uses it. She owes him now. This is good.

"Still my one and only...."

It's good. This is good. Just be patient. It'd be good. It'd be worth it.

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