Chapter Seven

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Me and Lily came to school and found out that we don't have to attend any classes today as we will have practice the whole day and stay back too. So, we went to the washroom got changed and we are sitting down as the senior boy team are setting up the net so we can start practice. I just got a text. It's Jake.

Hey, I think you should confess.

What the hell does he mean by confess? I talked about Alex with him yesterday and told him about how I felt and stuff... and he said the best thing was to tell Alex how I felt about him so even if he didn't like me back, I could move on after some time and still be friends, but I don't think after confessing we will remain friends. And I don't think I would ever take that decision I don't know about liking him or dating him or even having a serious relationship with him, all I want is to be there for him whenever he needs me, and I want him to be there for me when I need him. I just want to see him happy because he saw me when no one did. 

Even though he didn't know why I was sad and stuff he still talked to me and tried comforting me and I'm very great full that and I want to give him all the happiness he deserves. That's all. But I don't think I would want to confess because it would definitely break our friendship and I don't want that. I want to be friends with him as long as possible... I don't know what the future holds for us of course but I'm hoping whatever happened I hope our friendship lasts... I don't care for how long it will last but I hope it'll last for a long time... I hope. I wish. And I'm definitely not going to do what Jake just said because there is no freaking way, I would do that. 

I don't want to lose this person. I don't care what I mean to him... a sister, friend, best friend, girlfriend, crush. Whatever it is I don't want to lose him. Never. I can see Alex walking inside with Liam, I look at Lily and I catch her looking at Liam. She looks at me and I just give a teasing look and walk towards Liam who is talking to Alexa. Lily gets up too but instead of coming with my she starts playing badminton with Alexa's Partner. "Hey Liam... Lily is right there you can go talk to her" I say. Alexa laughs as Liam rolls his eyes. We all sit down and watch everyone else play different sports. I can see Alex playing badminton with someone and Lily is playing too.

 I turn to Alexa and then wink at her "Liam stop staring at Lily! Just go talk to her already" Alexa says to Liam. I'm glad she understood why I winked at her. I laugh at Liam as he is trying not blush. I don't understand why Lily and Liam haven't started to date get, like they make such a very cute couple. And I know both of them enough to know that their relationships will be long term for sure and there won't be any fights either. I've understood both of them very well and I know what kind of person they are. I hope they start dating soon. I want to see Lily as happy and possible even though she is always happy I want her to find the love of her life which is Liam. I'm sure they will be together one day for sure. They are perfectly made for each other. I've tried to make them to talk to each other so many times, but they just don't bother to even look at each other. But they do text often. 

Lily tells me everything, every single detail of their texts. And it's just so cute how they care about each other and ask each other if they are ok. They don't do any of these in school because they hate the teasing. I know why they hate it because I hate the teasing too. But that's part of life. And it won't stop for sure. I can see Liam getting too annoyed, so I decide to change to topic to cheer him up. "You know I'm taller than you" I say to Liam. I know this is also annoying but better than teasing him with Lily. "No, you're not. I'm taller" he says. "I think she's taller than you" Alexa says to Liam. And I have a huge smile on my face. 

"No, I'm taller!" Liam says.

"Ok then, both of stand up let's compare you're Hight" Alexa says. We both nod and stand up; we stand next to each other facing Alexa. "Shit. Liam is just one centimeter taller than you Sara..." Alexa says looking at me. I roll my eyes as I see Liam grin. I stand up and walk to the blue table kind of thing where I have kept my water bottle and my backpack. I sit down and watch Lily play. She looks at me, so I wave at her and give her a sign to come and sit next to me. She nods and comes running and sits down next to me. I smile at her and give her my water bottle so she can drink some water. "What did you talk with Liam?" she asks me. I look at her and then laugh. She looks confused and wants me to give her an explanation, so I stop laughing,

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