Oneshot 1/2

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Angel: "Hello there! It's been awhile since I written, but I should be back now I hope you people enjoy this oneshot!"


P.O.V- Y/N

I was running through the woods my team and I were on a mission to wipe out some grimms that were disturbing the local villagers, but everything went south we got overwhelm by the grimms, I mange to get out of the mess but thou the same couldn't say the same for my team there all dead...

Y/N: "Dam it! I could have save them...I should have join beacon instead of Haven..."

I then heard the snarl of a beowolfs and a roar of a ursa

Y/N: "Crap and i'm low on aura and can't keep running.."

One of the beowolfs leap towards me, making a good opening to hit to slice it with the sword I had, so with a single swing it faded away, but then another one try to ambush me so I quickly jump down shooting it with the handle of the sword that was luckily a gun, I continued to fight the grimm the best I could but it felt like I had no chance, felt I was at my limit...

P.O.V- Raven

I was just wondering around the wood trying to get my mind to ease trying to take a break from the camp, but suddenly gun shots and screams of the grimm were heard throughout the wood, I grew curious turn into my raven form flying to the area that the noise came from. I see a boy that was fighting off some grimms but look like he was having trouble so I went back to my human form then jump into help him

P.O.V- Nobody

Raven jump into to aid Y/N she use her sword to cut down the grimms with one single slice like it was nothing, Y/N was struggling to defend himself and then got swipe by a usar sending him flying to a tree breaking his aura completely

Raven sigh and started to kill all the grimms they were small fries to her, once she finish she walk up to the poor boy and held him up bringing him to her camp

Raven: "Quick someone get this boy help!" She shouted at her people

Two of Raven people quickly ran to her and help Y/N bringing him to a tent laying him down on a sleeping bag and began to relax his body and aid him

*Time skip with chibi Raven and Chibi Y/N fighting grimms*

Y/N woke up groaning holding his head, he looked around trying to figure out where he was

Y/N: "Where the hell am I?"

He got up and left the tent and noticed it was dark outside only thing that lit the sky is the moon and the stars, as he stare at the moon he saw a women with black hair and red armor standing there looking outside of the walls, he got curious and walk up to wall and look up at her

Y/N: "Hey aren't you the girl who save me from the grimms?"

Raven heard his voice and look down at him looking to his E/C eyes as Y/N look into her red like eyes

Raven: "Yeah that's me, so explain why a kid like you was all alone in the woods?" She said as she jump down to ground to see him closer

Y/N: "I was on a mission...My team and I were supposed to kill grimms that were disturbing the local village but we got overwhelmed killing my team members..." He sigh from disappointment of himself

Raven: "Hm pretty stupid of you guys to take on such a dangerous task...But I suppose you learn your lesson."

Y/N: "Hey we didn't know it be that hard! We put up a good fight till more kept coming due to villagers emotions!"

Raven was a bit surprised to hear about his knowledge of the grimms not everyone knew how grimms work

Raven: "Hm so then why didn't you lead the grimm away from the village?"

Y/N went quiet and sigh from realizing that could have work

Y/N: "I don't know we all got stun from the amount of grimm there was."

Raven: "I see...You need to be calm when your under pressure then."

Y/N: "I suppose..."

Raven: "Yeah now if you like you can stay here for awhile and go back to your pointless academy."

Y/N: "It's not pointless, it's a good school helping students to become huntsmen and huntress to help people."

Raven: "You don't understand what your getting yourself into." She sigh as she turn into a raven flying away

Y/N was left alone he growl and decided to explore around and met some of the bandits who treated him nicely surprisingly, till one began to drink and got slowed drunk

Bandit: "You know *hick* Y/N you don't look strong enough for hand to hand combat" he then laugh

Y/N: "And what makes you think that?"

Bandit: "You look weak I bet my *hick* grandma can kick your ass"

Y/N growl and got up and look down at him as the bandit had a grin on his face

Y/N: "You better shut the hell up before I break the jaw of yours."

The bandit took a sip of his alcohol from the bottle he held and then swing it towards Y/N face breaking the bottle stunning him, But Y/N quickly punch him in the jaw and the bandit growl getting up and try to swing at his face but Y/N caught his hand twisting it and kick him in the chest sending him back a little but the bandit didn't stop he rush towards him and they both proceeded to traded punches and blows

Raven saw and sigh walking to them and stop the fight by knocking out the drunken bandit and turn her attention to Y/N

Raven: "You at my tent, now" she then walk to her tent

Y/N then follow her inside and look around

Raven: "Your gonna be with me, i'm gonna train you to fight better and to defend yourself before you leave this place."

Y/N: "But why? I defend myself pretty good"

Raven: "You got hit by a drunk man, you gotta have slow reaction to be hit by a drunk person especially when you can see it coming."

Y/N: "I didn't expect it.."

Raven: "Plus your fighting stances needs some improvement and your punches as well."

Y/N: "Okay okay I get it, when do we start training then?"

Raven: "Will start tomorrow, in the morning."

Y/N: "Got it now where do I sleep?"

Raven went quiet and had a slight blush on her cheeks

Raven: "In this tent, you'll sleep on the other side"

Y/N: "O-Oh got it.."

Y/N went to the other side and lay down on the sleeping bag as Raven went to her bed and lay down

P.O.V- Raven

He's a odd kid, but he is cute...Dam it Raven he's probably 17 he's now legal yet, why am I thinking like this? Probably cause i'm always lonely...I'll just sleep so it can get off my mind. I then turn to my side and see the boy sleeping his H/C and the length of it, it just suits him and his S/C fit his body, he even has some muscle on him...No no raven stop just close your eyes and sleep


Angel: "I hope you enjoy this chapter i'll try to update another one later today or tomorrow will see! I'm happy to come back i'll try to write again and be better then younger angel! Till then adíos!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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