Close Friends

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When Lucy returned to her dorm, she started thinking about Travis. He was fairly the most interesting guys she's ever met in her life. From the mysterious aura surrounding him to his really handsome face,  she found Travis very intriguing. So much that during the whole time she was in her dorm she was thinking of their next time they would meet and maybe get to unfold some things about him.

Lucy's room wasn't that grand like the other students. Even when she got fame and power Lucy was still the simple girl she's always been. Her job as the student council is very important because when the teachers aren't here in school she's the person who has to protect the students. She took that seriously and became the strongest student in her school in a very short amount of time. Lucy had awakened the Fire attribute which really complimented her red hair.

She was also a spear user and is very great at hand to hand combat. With speed and precision Lucy is easily a future top tier hunter. In this school you cannot become a hunter until you finish.  Yet the third you year you might as well be a hunter since they spend the whole year fighting monsters to get stronger. This school really valued the students, they don't want anyone to have no good experience in this school. Even when people don't awaken they still enjoy their time in this school. Plus most people end up awakening later in time as they get older.

When Lucy got finished with her stuff she checked the time and it was currently 19: 45. Seeing that there's was only 15 minutes before she would leave Lucy went went down to the cafeteria and got a drink.

Travis got  changed and left his room. He had seriously spent his whole time in the room playing games. The game he was playing was really interesting so he had his time spent well. He got inside the elevator and pressed the lobby button.

He got out and saw no one except students walking around. His appearance of course attracted alot of attention from the students. Most of the ones who here were second years. So seeing a new hot freshman the girls were really happy. While the guys just got pissed wonder why everyone is so hateful.

He walked out the door and stood where they were when they met. Lucy who was now changed into more comfortable clothes which were blue jeans and a black shirt. Her big melons bounced around as she ran towards the exit. Some of the student greeted her and she waved at them while running. The others were just standing and staring in aware.

She saw Travis standing outside with his head tilted to the left. Travis was currently looking at some girls butts while waiting. Lucy came up to him and tapped his shoulder,  he turned his head to her and saw her smiling face staring at him.

" Let's go then Travis. I'm feeling like getting a nice walk around campus " She said, Travis nodded and she came to his side and they walked together.

The night sky was being lit by its blue and red Cresent moons,which made the whole place look like trippie. Plus the bright lights coming from the school really looked beautiful at night.

Travis and Lucy walked around the schools grounds as they spoke about their lives. Lucy was really and easily open person, she didn't fully trust Travis but thought of him as a good person from how he carried himself. Also Travis was a good listener so she couldn't help but talk more in their conversation.

" So Travis what tier talent did you awaken?" Lucy asked.

They were now sitting on a bench around the park area of the school. Travis sat back putting his hands in his hoodie pockets and replied." I got SSS tier talent. "

Lucy quickly turned to Travis in shock" What! But you're not apart of the hero parties  bloodline so how'd you awaken that?" She asked.

Travis shrugged and said" Well I don't know. I guess I have the same talent as their future hero parties bloodline. I'm also in their class so I guess they're gonna add me in the party as well. Which I don't mind"

Lucy was really shocked at how casual he was about such an important thing. This meant that Travis was one of the people that would slay the Dark King and return the world to peace. So seeing how nonchalant he was she wondered is Travis was right in the head.

" Well I hope you don't die Travis, cause those monsters are way stronger than the one's your gonna fight in the forest. They don't even walk in a group, you could Meet a single on and you will have a tough time defeating it." She said.

Travis glanced at Lucy who was staring at him. Her beautiful blue eyes showing slight concern for him. " Nah don't worry about me Lucy. I'm not that strong now but give me a whole year or two and I'll probably be in my strong as you or a maybe under you." Travis said with confidence.

He literally just had to steal from the protagonist and he would get stronger but that would just level his strength up not his power, he still had to work on that on his own.

Lucy smiled at Travis's response. " Well I hope you're not lying to me Travis or I might never learn to forgive you. I really get too attached to my friends and don't want to lose anyone. So keep this promise for me Travis, no matter how drastic the situation is. You'll always come back" She said sternly.

Travis sat up as he wrapped his hand around her shoulder and pulled her close." Olay I promise. Now let's stop talking about this and move on." He said.

Lucy laughed, she didn't bother to push Travis away since she now felt that Travis was a great friend to her." Sure now tell me what attribute did you awaken?"

" I didn't awaken any attribute. I'm a Domain." He answered.

Lucy looked at Travis in surprise. " really, I thought only orcs and demons could be domains. You must have someone in your family who was a Orc or a Demon. " She said.

" Yeah maybe, don't really know much about my family. In this world I'm all alone, well I do have a best friend who I talk to from time to time but he's a really quiet person , plus now I have you so I won't be bored anymore " He said.

Lucy smiled and held his hand In hers." Well I guess I did a good job approaching you or you'd be lonely " She said in a teasing tone.

Travis scoffed and said " Ohh please, with my good looks I could make anyone my friend. "

Lucy laughed and replied. " Who ever said you were Good looking. They were really on some drugs"

" My grandmother always said I was a handsome guy so nobody can say anything else, For my granny would never lie to me" He said while reminiscing about his past.

Lucy laughed out as she clutched her stomach while laughing. Her true laughter had came out and it was beautiful.

" You're really funny Travis, I'm starting to like you. Hope you don't misinterpret that" She said.

He just shrugged and sat back" Well hey what happens happens I guess" He said. Lucy nodded and laid her head on his shoulder.

" That's right. Damn school opens tomorrow, I also have to wake up extra early since it's assembly tomorrow, uhhh fuck I hate my job" She complained.

" Well if you gotta be up early tomorrow why don't we go back to you cane get enough rest?" He got up and held his hand out to her.

Lucy grasped his and got up as they walked back to the dorms.

" In school we should never be seen holding hands like this or my fan base will murder you" Lucy warned.

" Aight. No worries" He blankly answered.

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