Gym Class

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David came in the door as he looked at each person for a second. He's eyes stayed on Travis for a bit longer which kinda made him uncomfortable.

' Whats up with this guy. I know I'm handsome but I'm not supposed to attracting the same gender as me'

David stood infront of the class as he took a marker and wrote his name on the white board.

" Okay students, I'm David Miller I'll be your gym teacher. Now this class won't be PE or anything like that. Instead you'll be training your body in every single way. Now I hope you're prepared to possibly die while in my class. Luckily you have a healer so I guess you'll survive. Today we'll be testing you to see where all of you are good at and not good at. So follow me,well be going to the grounds"

They all got up and followed David outside to the grounds. Travis noticed how most of the girls here were really excited to test themselves.

David had his eyes on Travis the whole time for some reason' He seems to be a bit different from before. Now he's exuding an ominous aura that I don't find familiar. Maybe Samantha would know something about it. ' He thought.

He then cleared his throat and said." Okay now that we're here. We'll start with an easy 10 lap jog around the ground. This task should be simple since all of y'all are Mid Tier. So let's go!"

They then started jogging around the grounds. Their clothes were completely drenched by the end of it. The job didn't take a toll on anyone which impressed David.

" Good now it's seems you're all soaked in sweat. Not to worry since your clothes will be washed for you. We'll move on to the next exercise which is doing planks for a whole hour. This will train you mentally as well, your will to not give up will be  very important when you go to battle. Now let's go!"

They all went down in a plank position and David started the timer.

' This is easy to be honest. My clothes are pretty fucked right now though it feels so uncomfortable ' Travis thought.

Chris on the other hand' This exercise is very good. With this I'll be closer to my goal'

He's bugging, it took him a whole three years of school plus another 2 years for him to be able to destroy the Dark King. That guy was very Overpowered with a lot of hacks to his disposal. In fact the last arc itself was hard. He had to fight so many minions and generals and commanders then captains till he could fight the Dark King. Well he had help from the rest of the party. Cause if he had went there alone, let's just say the game would have had a bad ending.

After a whole hour passed everyone got up, none of them were fazed. Some have done longer planks and still didn't feel nothing.

" Okay It's seems that everyone here is fit. It makes my job much easier. Our period is about to end so y'all should go get a shower,  I'll get someone to bring you spare clothes. "

David then left, Travis and the boys went to the showers the girls also did that.

' Well that was pretty simple. Wonder why I expected something much tougher.' Travis thought.

After taking a shower he put on the new set of uniforms and got out the shower. He saw Kevin standing under a tree looking emo like usual.

" How were the work outs?" Travis asked while approaching him.

Kevin opened his eyes and shrugged " Nothing much really. I'm used to this kind of stuff" He answered. Travis nodded in response as he pulled his body up and sat on a branch.

' I should at least talk to one of the heroine's today. '

In the girls shower room. The ladies were talking happily with each other while bathing. All of them fully naked, head to toe revealing their beautiful bodies.

Grace was standing under the rain of water pouring down on her body. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Travis and his leading nature. She hated it when someone tried to boss her around , one of the reasons why she didn't like Chris. She knew that it wasn't his fault they got engaged but she had to take her frustration on someone and he was the first person that came to mind.

' He's just like me. I wonder how long he'll be able to be take on the position as the leader of the class. I'm pretty sure Valentina is already planning something on her own. '

After that she turned the water off and walked out the shower, seeing all the girls playing around with each other, her grim expression quickly turned into a smile.

Back with Travis and Kevin who were currently debating about football teams and who's the best player. Chris came out the bathroom looking majestic with his smile. Kevin and Travis frowned when they saw this.

'Why's bro so feminine?'they both thought in union.

" Hey guys! How was Gym class, pretty challenging right?" He asked as he approached them.

'Why did I make him so cheerful. Uhh I can't stand this'

" Nah not really, it was easy." Kevin answered, he noticed Travis's painful expression and decided to talk for him.

" Well I found it a bit challenging. So where should we go now?" He asked.

Travis jumped of the branch and answered " Let's wait for the girls first before we go. I'm pretty sure we're supposed to go to class though "

With that Travis and the boys stood under the tree for a whole hour. The girls came out and saw them sitting on the grass while gazing at the sky.

" Well That's weird" Cyrene said quietly.

The other girl heard her and agreed which made her blush.' I said it too loud!' she screamed in her head.

Travis and the boys got up and turned around with their faces completely drained of their youth.

" Y'all finally came out. Alright let's go" Travis said in a raspy voice.

With that , they all went back to class and found it completely empty. Since it was survival period and the survival teacher was not here.

' Samantha's gonna arrive tomorrow last I checked. While Serena is gonna be here in the next term. Well two arcs would have already passed during that time so I won't be bored'

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