chapter 12/ u20 vs blue lock pt.2

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The ball got dodged from aiku and flew back to Rin who easily took the ball under his control and ran towards the goal trough the opponents but got blocked again from aiku who passed it towards Sae.

Sae was also on his way towards the goal but when he got blocked from karasu he passed it shidou were reo was still standing.
is reo able to stop him again ?

No, shidou shot the ball to the goal but gagamura got luckily right in time to the point where he could dodge the ball.

The ball flew again through the air and reo jumped towards him. Still in the air, he made a jumping turn and passed it to Nagi.

Oh his way to the goal Nagi passed it to isagi who ran a few meters next to him.
There was barou running behind him.
Was he trying to steal the ball again?!

No, isagi ran without hesitation and passed the ball again.
rin who had just received the ball, kept running until my eyes fell onto karasu.
Rin shot the ball backwards where karasu took it perfectly but instead of doing it alone he passed it directly to isagi.
Isagi ran and quickly kicked it towards Nagi who was now into the air and without without properly accepting the ball, he shot it straight back to isagi who had just run towards the goal.

Whoa isagi is really going to do it!
I scooted closer to the site and continued to watch intently until my eyes met two familiar teal eyes.
Sae was running really close next to him but somehow isagi still kept running.

Sae and isagi jumped in the air and isagi tried to reach the ball but it looked like he lost all his balance so instead of shooting the goal by himself, he passed it to Rin.

And again, the same game as with sae and isagi now started with rin and aiku.
I was so concentrate onto Rin and aiku that i didn't even notice how barou ran through all his opponents and was now in front of Rin and aiku and stole the ball and without any longer hesitation, he shot the ball into the goal


It's really a tie again!
"Yellow card for barou, for the uncivilized act if stripping your uniform." I heard the referee saying.
Only fifteen minutes left!
I believe in them. Even if Sae is my husband, i believe in blue lock and that they can beat the u-20.

"And now we're restarting on its final stage". I heard from the speakers.

Sae began and dribbled around Nagi and isagi without loosing one second.
Sae ran also trough barou and was now in front of Rin who tried to steal the ball and threw himself onto the ground but it did really work because sae jumped over him and ran on without problems.

Rin quickly stood up and began to follow Sae again and u swear i could have seen how his eyes changed. Of course not the color or the form but it was like Rin just changed into an other person.

Rin sprinted towards shidou and quickly jumped in the air to take the ball that was passed just right to shidou but it went completely wrong. The foot of shidou got kicked straight into rins head and Rin fell on the ground.
I gasped and hold my hands over my mouth.

His head slowly moved from the ground and his eyes met mine. I looked worried into his teal eyes like i was questioning him if he was okay. I guess he understood my state because he nodded slowly and gave me a little thumb up what made me chuckle.

" You guys are getting a little bit too distracted" reo said and shot the ball towards Nagi who was waiting in the middle field while bachira and isagi were running ahead of them next to each other before isagi got the ball and overcame his first opponent.
Barou appeared again and tried to steal isagis ball but suddenly bachira ran through booth if them and was now the one with the ball.

Bachira began to ran and dribbled around the others until aiku appeared in front of him and stopped bachiras little dance session.

He dribbled again and even overcame aiku and was no in the air and shot but sadly the the ball flew against the corner and bounced back just to get passed from sendou to aiku who passed it right back towards Sae.

Sae was in front of karasu and yukimiya bit it wasn't really a problem for Sae and he just shot the ball between them to an other player.
Oh no is he going to score?!
Reo jumped in front of him and dodged the ball before it could land into the goal.

Aiku got the ball and  wanted to score by himself but before it could even get near the goal Rin jumped between them and dodged it.
after a few more minutes, the voice came out of the loudspeakers again "5 more minutes left and it's still a tie"
" The match restarts now with a corner kick"

Sae kicked the ball and it was about to land where aiku was standing when Rin jumped in but wait no the pass wasn't coming for aiku.
It was for shidou!
But next to shidou was now isagi running and he kicked the ball before it could even reach shidous head to hiori.
Hiori was just about to pass when suddenly Rin ran next to him and stole the ball. What?!
is he trying to copy barou or what?!

The little guy with spiky hair git into his way but instead of giving the ball away he just dribbled around him and kept running. When the India guy came Rin finally passed to isagi but when he overcame the India guy also he got the ball back and already ran around the next opponent without loosing more time.

Only one person was left.
Oliver aiku
If he would overcame him, he would have a clear part to shoot.

He was only needing a little bit more and he would score a goal when suddenly shidou came and tried to pull him back.
And again, isagi ran next to him but Rin had somehow other ideas than instead of passing it he tried to shot the ball alone into the goal.
the ball bounced back.

"Still lukewarm"
the ball bounced back across the field and was received by sae itoshi.

"One minute additional time" i heard a voice.
Man, can they really shoot a goal in one minute?
Sae had the ball and Rin quickly joined next to him. Rin managed to kick the ball up in the air and it flew towards aiku but over aiku was isagi.
Yes, isagi was jumping and shot the ball and WHAT

I jumped a little and clapped exited while cheering for them.

Without hesitation I ran from my seats away towards the field.
I ran and didn't even really stopped.
'man i only know them for a little bit more than a week and it's already a feeling like i know them for years.'

I ran through the hallways but stopped when I suddenly bumped into a tall figure. I was able to hold myself upright and looked up only to meet two beautiful teal eyes. "oh Rin I'm sorry" i coughed awkwardly.
'why? I don't know?'

"Oh and congratulations for winning against the u20. You know the score you made, you were so great" i said with a warm smile.
"Thanks and also Thank you for cheering for me uhm i mean for us" he said and didn't make eye contact.
"Well I'll now go to the others" i said and was about to walk around him to the others but something inside me stopped me. I turned around and grabbed him by his sleeves while he looked confused into my eyes.
"Please don't go on a date with harumi "
'why i said it? I didn't know it again '

(Sorry for my grammar
I'm too tired to correct this story )
Maybe I'll correct it tomorrow

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