Chapter 1

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"Stop!! Please!! It hurts!!" a small boy at the age of 4 screamed as a horde of villagers continually beat on him and yell insults and curses at him.

"You'll pay for all your sins today you demon!!" a man said stabbing a rusted kunai into the boys leg.

Naruto screamed in pure agony as his cries only spurred his assaulters on to finish their mission. He cried and cried until the tears stopped flowing. He didn't feel the pain anymore, more because a new feeling was growing within him.

He had seen how the villagers glared at him, stopped their children from playing with him, threw trash at him and slurred at him. He was tired of it. His life to this point was simply put, shit, and he was fed up, frustrated, he tried and tried to show them he was just like them, but he got even worse treatment everytime he tried.

The new sensation bubbled throughout his body as his eyes turned blood red, his skin began to itch furiously and the feeling came back. A feeling that no 4 year old should know, hatred, anger, bloodlust and the urge to destroy. Suddenly before any more damage to him could be done he got up groggily shocking everyone there.

Apparently they hadn't beaten him enough. A lone woman ran at him with a meat cleaver swinging with all her might. It was all over in an instant, Naruto was partially taken over by the Kyuubi as it gave him enough speed to reach her before she did him. All it took was for his fingers to touch her face and she immediately crumbled into dust, much to the absolute horror of all watching.

Naruto for the first time felt the sensation of taking a life - and he liked it. Turning to the other villagers he gave a demonic smile and rushed at them. The alley was filled with horrified screams of agony and sounds of blood splattering everywhere. It was a massacre. The anbu and Hokage arrived shortly after the gruesome scene missing it barely. Hiruzen Sarutobi and his anbu looked around to see nothing but a huge pile of dust and Naruto lying in a pool of blood.

"Get him to the hospital quickly, Inu!"

"Hai, Lord Hokage" a dog masked anbu replied.

He looked at the boy's unconscious form in his hands sighing sadly.

'Minato sensei'


Naruto Uzumaki walked slowly up to the academy, it was that time of the year again. As if the scowl on his face wasn't enough proof of his bad mood, his constant mumbling and scratching was a dead giveaway. It was time for their exams, and this time it was the final exams, the one that determined if they would become shinobi.

Deep down he knew he was going to fail, and that was even more infuriating. He never passed the exams, the teacher Iruka was a bit scared of him, he looked more pissed off than usual, though it was actually pretty hard to tell what he was thinking.

Naruto could go from calm to bloodlusted in a second. As he sat at an empty desk the teacher continued with his orientation. Naruto sighed into his seat, this was going to be a long day.
True to his gut feeling he failed and had to watch others get praised for doing a stupid clone jutsu. That was the only thing he failed in, heck he even beat Sasuke Uchiha in the 1v1 spars., but alas he could only dream ... Or so he thought.

Mizuki, another of Naruto's teachers approached him from behind gaining a kind tone as he addressed the boy.

"Hey Naruto, I'm really sorry you couldn't pass the test, it's really a shame, you have alot of untapped potential"

Naruto sneered at him before replying "What do you want sensei, if it's not important then leave me alone"

Mizuki smirked thinking Naruto was vunerable at the moment. Naruto inwardly scoffed.

'The bastard can't even hide his animosity towards me, but I'll play your game Mizuki'

"Well there's a part of the exam for those who fail the initial one, if you successfully take the scroll of sealing from the Hokage tower, you not only pass but become rookie of the year"

Naruto continuing his pretence acted interested. Mizuki told him the "test" had begun and where to meet him at. Naruto smiled to himself watching Mizuki walk away.


"And that's that" Naruto said copying down the last jutsu in the forbidden scroll.

He was waiting for Mizuki to show up but unbeknownst to the man he was being awaited by not only Naruto but a whole squad of anbu and the Hokage himself as Naruto informed the man. Mizuki true to his word arrived with a sickly smile.

"Hey Naruto, glad you could make it, now hand over the scro- YOU BRAT!!"

The look on Naruto's face though scared Mizuki angered him more. Naruto had figured it out. Regaining his composure he started laughing.

"Would you like to know a secret? Why everyone hates you? Why you are seen as a demon?"

"Go on..." Naruto said calmly.

The anbu were about to jump down but Hiruzen motioned for them to stop. He was curious as to how the boy would react, and plus sooner or later he was going to come in contact with the beast anyways. Mizuki smirked

"It's because 12 years ago the Kyuubi wasn't killed, it was reincarnated into a human, and that is you!! You are the Kyuubi!!"

Naruto blinked in surprise "Huh" was his only reply.

Mizuki who was expecting a mental breakdown was taken aback to see the boy just shrug it off. Did he know?

"I said you're the demon!!"he added with more venom.

Naruto stared at him, then at the sky. "Actually you're a bit off on the description. I'm not a demon"

All of a sudden he was above Mizuki his hand about to touch him.

"I'm the devil himself"

Mizuki with horrified anguish screamed out as his body began to turn to dust slowly and painfully. Naruto wanted him to feel the pain he felt all these years. Hiruzen and the anbu, and even Iruka were horrified at the way Mizuki died. Then it clicked, 'Naruto did it'.

All those years ago and the investigation of how 40 people died in a single day. It was Naruto - and this strange power. Naruto looked up to the trees and spoke up

"You can come down old man". Hiruzen dropped to the ground still staring at the pile of dust

"H-how did you do that?"

Naruto shrugged "I don't know, I just touch stuff and it happens"

Iruka came into view stared at the blue haired boy. "N-n-naruto?"

"Oh hey sensei, I'm sorry you had to see that"

Iruka just nodded still processing what he saw.

"Here's your headband, call it a reward for an S-rank mission, well done Naruto" Hiruzen said tossing him a headband.

Naruto caught it and tied it to his head. "On a serious note old man, no one should know of this, and I mean no one" Naruto said with a cold voice that put even the Hokage on guard.

"Hai hai, no need to worry" the man said with a tired sigh.

'Now it begins, prepare yourself Konoha' Naruto thought.

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