1 - An Unexpected Meeting

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It was a normal, winters morning. Snow had fallen all around my house throughout the cold night, like a thick, white blanket covering the once green shrubbery and grass that surrounded my house. 

The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cosy, warm haven that is my bed; I couldn't find a good purpose, or any reason at all to get out. Like, what was the point? It's not like anything in this big world would change if I continued in my slumber. Regardless, I sat up slightly, and managed to lean over at the bulky black clock that hung opposite my bed. It read 7:00 AM.  With the urge to do something before it gets too late, I finally convinced myself to roll out of bed and get on with my morning. I then began my normal morning's routine; I took a hot shower, brushed my hair and then got dressed in some casual winter clothing.

Following getting dressed, I tiredly walked downstairs. I put two slices of whole-wheat bread into the toaster, took butter and orange juice out of the fridge, and grabbed a glass. After pouring a full glass of juice for myself, as the pair of toast popped up from the toaster. I eagerly seized them and put them onto a plate, buttering them both, and began eating. I had just finished eating them, when I heard a notification on my phone. I turned the screen on, and saw the notification to be from my boss. I double-clicked the notification that sat on my lock screen, sending me to my messages. As I read the text, I smiled happily, all feelings of stress and tension leaving me immediately; it said that I didn't need to come in to work today; the zoo was closed.
This was music to my ears, as it meant I could just have a relaxing day without the worries of work; as much as I loved the animals there, they were often a nightmare to feed and clean up after. After finishing my juice, I grabbed the book I was reading from my coffee table and sat down on the sofa. I opened the book from the page with the bookmark in, and continued with the captivating story.


An hour later, I put my leather bookmark between the pages I was on, and placed the book down on the coffee table. I knew I had to get out, even just for some fresh air, and so I decided to go to the local coffee shop, and maybe have a stroll through the park afterwards. I stood up, and walked over to my coat rack. I carefully picked out the beige winter coat that went with my outfit, grabbed a pair of my plain white converses, and put them both on.
I opened the door, and contently walked out into the carpet of snow. Red robins chirped excitedly, the only noise in otherwise empty sidewalks. After a couple minutes of walking through the desolate town, I looked forward and recognised the classic symbol of a mug filled with coffee that stuck out into the street.

I walked in through the door, and greeted the barista; she was one of my friends, Dylan's mom, so I knew her pretty well.
"Y/N, how are you, dear," she asked me kindly.
"Good thanks," I responded happily, "My boss texted earlier saying I didn't need to come in today cause of the snow, so I could relax a bit more."
"That's great. Now, what can I get for you," she asked me.
"Just a latte, please," I told her.
"Alright, dear. Just take a seat while I make it," she said. I sat down, and glanced on my phone as I waited. A couple minutes later, I heard her call my name. I stood up, and walked over to the counter.
I put the money on the counter, grabbed the coffee eagerly, and thanked her.
"Have an nice day," she told me.
"You too," I said as I went towards the door.

I pushed open the door, breathed in the crisp fresh air, and walked out into the cold. I had just taken a couple of steps when suddenly I collided with someone. Immediately, I put my coffee down, which thankfully didn't spill from the accident, and reached down to assist the woman who was on the ground get up.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going, and, um..." I nervously mumbled. I started to hyperventilate; this was all my fault. I should've been looking where I was going, and then this could all have been avoided. Then out of nowhere, completely surprising me, I heard a slight chuckle.
"It's all good. Don't worry about it," she told me reassuringly, as she took my hand and stood up. I realised I had been subconsciously looking down, and so I looked up into the stranger's face.

She had large, deep, dark-brown doe eyes, that seemed to shine in amusement. Messy, mussed-up, chestnut; her curtain bangs framed her high cheekbones, emphasising her smooth, fair, bronzed skin that was spotted with a few dark freckles. Smooth black headphones covered her ears, with a non-reflective matte finish. She wore a white shirt, covered by a large, blue jacket, as well as dark-blue cargos. She smiled slightly at me while brushing off most of the snow from her clothes.

"My name's Jenna," she said kindly, as she held out her hand.
I shook it. "Mines Y/N", I politely responded.
As she began to walk away, she called out nonchalantly, "Have a nice day, then,"
"You too," I replied, picking up my coffee from the floor as she left.

As I was about to leave, I saw a small object shining on the ground where the woman, whom I know now to be called Jenna, had fallen. As I went to pick it up, I called out to her.
"Hey Jenna, I think you dropped something."
However, as I looked up and around, she was already gone. I looked closer at the object, that I now identified as a ring. It had a small, yellow gem in the centre, encapsulated in a small metallic cage.
"I'll just give it to her the next time I see her," I muttered under my breath. I put it into my wallet, and continued on my way to the park, being careful not to let an experience like that happen again.


A.N - Feel free to comment any corrections, criticism, or thoughts on this. I hope you enjoyed it   :)

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