:Chapter 1:

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I groaned and slammed my hand down on the snooze button of my alarm clock. It was a Monday and I hated these days of the week. I had to get up early for my 8:30 am class, Introduction to College Life. I sighed and closed my eyes again only for the five-minute alarm to go off.




"Alright, alright! Jeez."

I flipped the switch to 'off' before moving my covers off. I yawned and stood up from my warm bed. Walking to my closet, I pulled out a plain f/c t-shirt. I then went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of pants as well as some undergarments. I took my clothes down to communal bathroom of the third floor and got dressed in a stall. My dorm mate was still sleeping but I didn't want her waking up and seeing me nude. I'll admit I was insecure, always will be.

After I changed into my clothes, I walked back to my dorm room and hung my pj's up. I quickly slipped some shoes on, grabbed my backpack and made my way out the door.

The walk to my first class was a tad bit long. I had to go halfway across campus. At least the weather was nice this morning. By the time I made it to class, I had five minutes to spare. I sat in my usual spot in the middle and began taking out my supplies. 


The bell rang and the professor began to take attendance. When he got to the last name Afton, nobody replied. Figures.

Michael Afton was always late to this class. He had stated in the past he didn't need it as a freshman and would go hang out with three of his buddies. They usually hung out around the skate park and wore these ridiculous animal masks. Michael normally wore his when pranking someone. That way you were pranked by the big bad red fox. Rumor had it that none of the professors liked him and he was on the edge of being kicked out of the community college here in Hurricane. Sure enough, Michael never showed.  

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. This was how my day went: in and out of class. I had a small lunch break in between, but unfortunately didn't get to talk to my friends. They both had class. After I had finished my courses for the day, I returned to my dorm and got changed into all black clothing for my job at the local salon. When I made sure I looked adequate, I made my way out the door.

I absolutely loved my job at the salon. I loved the atmosphere, meeting with people and making people feel like their best selves. Now I was still an apprentice, only allowed to do hair cutting and dying, but I still enjoyed it none the less. Slowly I would work up the ladder and soon I'd be able to be my own independent artist.

It was only a few minutes' walk to my job, especially since Hurricane was on the smaller side. As soon as I walked in, I was bombarded with my boss, Alecia. "Y/n, I'm so glad you're here! All the gals are backed up with people and there's a couple of walk ins we can't fill. You're our only hope!"

I let a small smile adorn my face and nodded. "Of course, boss. You can count on me!"

It took a couple of hours for us to get through everybody, but all of us finally got the salon at a slower pace. There were only a few customers milling around with their stylists. I was grabbing a drink of water when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned to see our receptionist, Renee. "Y/n, there's a new customer here. I was going to put him with one of the seasoned ladies, but the boss wants you to have more practice. Is it okay if I book him with you?"

"Of course. Send him on over to my chair."

"Great! Will do!"

I quickly finished off my water before returning to my station, eyeing the gentleman who'd be under my care. He was tall and under his dress shirt he seemed to be muscular but lean. His brown hair was a bit on the graying side, but he still had a full set of hair. He was dressed smart: an ironed dress shirt, creased dress pants and shining dress shoes. It was quite odd as all my customers usually wore casual clothes. 

I watched as he finished with Renee, her pointing at me to give direction. The man turned and my breath caught in my chest. 

Gray eyes.

Piercing gray eyes.

They seemed to take command of whomever they laid on. They were so striking.

A slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips before he walked over, his calloused hand out towards me.

"Hello there. You must be Miss L/n."

"T-that's me," I shook his hand, "who might you be?"

"William. William Afton."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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