
13 2 0

August 30, 2715
Dreamworld: Ring 2

The Sleepwalkers tumbled into a heap as they passed through the Gateway. Cho scrambled to find Keiko's mech card, gently merging it back into her bracelet as everyone climbed to their feet. She breathed a silent thanks to both her mech and the android that protected her.

Said android staggered slightly and braced himself against the metal wall. When he dared to look up, Ace's gray eyes met the mix of worried and suspicious stares of the Sleepwalkers.

"Well, that was eventful."

Phoenix spoke first, "What in Dreamworld was that?"

"The clouds were clusters of malware designed to target mechanical coding instead of bio-code. Origin unknown," he answered robotically. Maybe he wasn't completely recovered?

"Then why did it affect you?" Amber asked.

   Ace looked away. "I guess you could say I'm pretty connected to Dreamworld's structural code. But now's really not the time for a heart-to-heart right next to an opened Gateway."

   If anyone saw them right now, they would know exactly where they were from and could probably guess what they were doing. He needed to get them somewhere safe and then find a way to the Pinnacle.

   The five teens silently shuffled down the empty corridor, pausing every few minutes to hide behind one of the protruding metal columns as Ace secretly scanned for any surveillance. The lack of cameras--or, well, anything really--rose his suspicions and kept his senses on high alert. 

    "Cho," he whispered, "you know Ring 2's layout best. Do you know a way to get to the Pinnacle?"

    She pressed a bead on her bracelet and brought up a mini holomap of Ring 2. Four asymmetrical buildings shaped like someone tried merging a pyramid and a cube stood at each of the level's "corners." A metro cable curved along the Ring and connected each of the buildings before intersecting in the empty space at the center. Cho pointed to the central ring hovering at the center. 

   "This is the Launch--a teleporter between the Rings for official Embassy use. Theoretically, you could use to reach the Pinnacle without any pitstops, but access is extremely limited. Even most high-ranking Embassy members can't take that terminal. You have to at least be a Ring 3 resident before you can even be considered viable for access." 

   "That part won't be a problem," he reassured her, "Just get me to the Launch, and I'll take care of the rest." 

    "Someone's coming!" Diego whisper-shouted, "Cut the lights!" 

    Cho clapped a hand of the map, and everyone scattered behind the columns. Ace glanced down the halls, and he easily recognized the hunched backs of Enforcers lumbering several yards behind them. Remembering what happened on the roof, he stepped out of his cover. Cho moved to grab him, but he easily dodged her grasp. 

   "What're you doing?" Amber hissed from her spot directly across from them. Ace tapped the outside and inside of his wrists. 

   "Saying hello," he answered with a shrug, and at the same time as the voice in his head he mumbled, "Initiate Self-Defense Mode." 

    His offensive vitality blades slid over his knuckles, and he crossed his arms in an X, bathing the dark hall in violet light. He refused to turn when he heard Cho suck in a sharp breath. 

   The Enforcers filling the corridor paused midstride, simultaneously tilting their heads in confusion. Then the one in front continued walking, leading the others to follow. Ace uncrossed his arms and curled his hands into fists as he marched forward. When the distance between them became just a few yards, he broke into a sprint, pulling his arm back and leaping into the air. This time, he wouldn't give them the satisfaction to scan him. 

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