Chapter One: Grow up

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I shuddered. Just the thought alone of what possibly, and, well... obviously happening in the room next to mine made me physically want to vomit. I can't believe her. She's a complete disgrace. That whore. And i can just imagine another one of those awkward mornings tomorrow. It happens almost every time. At around 6am the guy trys to sneak out of this shitty, run down and least to say depressing apartment without making a sound. Majority of the time they are unsuccessful though, stumbling around for the door in the pale grey morning light.

Knowing my mother, if it weren't for me reminding her she wouldn't even remember the fact that she invited a complete stranger into our home after getting completely pissed on a Tuesday night. Usually i get up at 7, get ready and then slump down in our excuse for a kitchen and nibble on a piece of buttery toast. My mum trudges in at about that moment, puts on some coffee, mumbles a complaint about her head and then attempts to repress the memory of what happened the night before.

Meanwhile I bite my tongue , trying not to scream in her face what I think of her and how much she disgusts me; on most days i resist the urge, but tonight she had gone to far. The exaggerated moans coming from her bedroom had not only kept me up till 2:47 in the morning but caused me to never want to hear her voice EVER again. A part of me is genuinely surprised I'm not completely messed up.

Technically with a mother like mine and a father who was only imaginary you would imagine by now i'd be in  a mental hospital now, locked away due to the fact that i went completely nuts and and decided it sounded fun to burn down a house or something. Unfortunately i just so happen to be pretty normal, and instead of an asylum i live here. But with the noises coming from the next room, right now i'd prefer the mental hospital.

I cover my ears using my pillow, almost suffocated myself at the same time but still, at least all sound was blocked out. After all these years, and she's still the same slut she was 14 years ago. Unbelievable, you would think she would have changed, especially after... well me. I'm defiantly telling her tomorrow. Telling her the truth. She needed to grow the fuck up.

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