Dana's Expansion Puberty

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Dana Creek was your average American school girl. 10th grade, smart, athletic. 5'5, long brown hair, brown eyes, and liked video games. Although she hadn't fully hit puberty yet, she still went about her life normally. She didn't let it bother her. Until one day, when she physically couldnt let it not.

Dana woke up one day already feeling weird. Her body felt fuzzy and her chest felt warm. She ignored it and began her day. She got out of bed, put her slippers on and went to brush her teeth. As she was brushing, she noticed her boobs looked much bigger. Before they were practically non-existant, now they were at least an A cup. She was happy she was finally becoming a Woman after waiting so long. She brushed it off and figured she'd show it off to a few people.

She went to the kitchen, made some cereal, and went to catch the bus. As she was standing outside, her friend Marie caught up to her.
"Hey Dana!"
"Hey Marie!"
Marie noticed Dana's new cleavage.
"Thats... New." She pondered.
"Puberty is finally kicking in" said Dana.
The bus pulled up and the two got on. They found a seat and popped a squat. They lived about 10 minutes from the school and were the last stop so they got to school very quick. As they hopped off the bus, Dana noticed Marie was staring at her.
"What?" Asked Dana.
"I swear you've gotten taller. Are you okay?"
"Come to think of it, I don't remember being able to see the top of her head before" Dana thought.
"Yeah I don't know. This growth spurt is kinda trippy. I'll let you know if anything else happens" She said.
The girls went off to their first class and the day began.

About an hour into the day after 1st period, Dana went to the bathroom. She did her business, flushed, and as she was washing her hands, was startled by what she saw in the mirror. Her breasts had now grown to a D cup and her thighs were now much wider. Her waist seemed slimmer and her hair now reached her thighs as opposed to it being at her butt before. This was definitely bad. Dana was frantic about what to do. Like she promised, she called Marie to come to the rescue. When Marie got in the bathroom, she was also stunned. Dana was now about 6 inches taller than her and she'd already grown some more.
"So what am I supposed to do?" Asked Marie.
"I don't know! I'm just scared right now. What's happening to me...?"
Then, Dana felt warm again. She looked down to see her breasts slowly expanding. From a D to an E, and an E to an F, Dana was growing. And fast. Her height slowed, but her breasts, thighs and hair didn't. Slowly, her body grew. Her breasts now the size of cantaloupes and her ass was almost shredding her pants. Her hair had grown down to her calves as well. For a moment, it slowed.
"Ok yeah this is bad" said Marie.
"I'll call my dad to come pick us up. Meanwhile, I'll check outside if the coast is clear. "
"Thanks, Marie"
Her growth stopped for a little bit and they wanted to take the chance to get home. Marie said her mom was on her way, and that there was no one outside the bathroom. They took it and left the campus. Right as they stepped off the property, Marie's Mom pulled up and they hopped in. Marie filled her mom in on the situation and she sped off to get Dana home. On the way to Marie's house, Marie felt something on her hand. She looked down to see that Dana's hair was rapidly growing. It started to pool up on the floor of the car and pile up on the floor. Dana looked to see how much her breasts had grown but they hadn't. It was just her hair. Dana was scared for what was to come. They arrived at Marie's house after what seemed like the worst car ride ever, and rushed to the house. As Dana got out, her hair trailed behind her by several feet, putting a wedding veil to shame. Just as Marie's mom struggled to unlock the front door, Dana felt the same warm sensation, and she knew it was going to be bad. As fast as it had ever been, Danas boobs were expanding at an extreme pace, going from basketballs to yoga balls in seconds, and they werent stopping. Her thighs slowed a little but her ass was going. And her hair was relentless, piling up behind her like yarn off the spool. It wouldn't stop. They made their way upstairs and put Dana in an empty room they were about to renovate. Dana could hardly stand on her own anymore due to her breasts being as long as her knees. She sat on the ground and rested her body over her new mounds of flesh. Marie explained to her that they were going to the hospital to seek help, and they would be back soon. Dana was scared, but she would do whatever she could to end this. Her breasts kept expanding and expanding, getting larger than she was tall. They finally came to a rest when she could stand up and barely see the top of them. Her hair wouldn't stop though. Her long chocolate mane was as thick as her calf and long enough to be piled into a chair. Everything came at Dana so fast that she began to feel orgasmic. Her breasts began to grow again, and her ass and hair only grew faster. Dana sat alone moaning to cope for the feeling. Hair pooled all over the floor, her ass became her new chair, and her breasts just kept growing. Her body felt so warm and so fuzzy, she just had to keep going. Just then, Marie walked in to see what was happening.
"Whoa! Dana... That's impressive!"
"Help!" Yelped Dana.
"Oh I'll help alright."
Marie had a kinky look in her eye. Dana couldn't see what was happening because her boobs were so massive but she knew what was happening only when she felt Marie start to suck the milk out of her. Milk burst out of Dana like a broken dam, and her body kicked into overdrive. The walls that confined her became an obstacle, and numbers were meaningless when it came to the length of her hair. At the same time Marie sucked, her breasts grew bigger too. It's like the milk went straight to her breasts instead if her stomach. Marie's boobs grew large, her hair grew long, and everything was a mess. Thick, brown locks covered everything, the house became a mass of skin, and milk and cum soiled everything in the house. Dana moaning louder than she thought she could and Marie was stuffing herself with warm fluid. Dana couldn't do it anymore.
"NOOOOO!!!!" she screamed, but to no avail.
"NOOO!!" Dana screamed as she sat up in bed, drenched in sweat.
"That was the worst nightmare I've ever had"
Dana got out of bed, put on her slippers, and went to brush her teeth. She was brushing until she noticed her waist was showing just a little bit. And as she glanced up towards her breasts, they were now an A cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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