The trip

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Klaus came barging in the house as usual. "REBEKAH," Klaus yelled. Rebekah, sitting in the lounge, sighed, waiting for Klaus to come and throw his usual afternoon tantrum.

"What is it this time, Klaus?" One of your little vampire "helpers" not listening." She said as she put quotations around helpers.

"No, not that, and even if they weren't, I would just kill them." He said as he continued."I can't find Hayley or Hope." He said with a hint of worry in his voice. As Rebekah looked up, she could see a whole lot more worry in his eyes that she could hear in his voice.

"Their at the lake playing." She said. "Oh, thank God,"he said, relieved. Klaus then walked back to his office to continue his painting. After a while, Hope and Hayley come into the house.

"Go ask your dad, and if he says yes, ask Aunt Beka to help you pack." Hayley tells her daughter.

"DADDY," Hope yells. Klaus comes out of his office thinking something is wrong with his littlest wolf.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" He asks, worried. "Yes, dad."

"I was just wondering if we could take a family trip with just you,me, and mom to a place called Beacon Hills." She asks her dad.

"Of course we can." He says with a smile. She runs up to her mom. "Well, what did he say?" She asks Hope.

"He said yes." She answered.

"OK, go ask Aunt Beka if she can help you pack while me and your dad go pack." Hayley says.

"Aunt Beka!"She hollers. "Yes, sweety?"Rebekah says. "Can you help me pack for my trip with Mommy and Daddy?"She asks. "Of course I can."She says.

They go to hopes room to pack. Her is a list of some of the items in a hopes bag.
Four short sleeve shirts
Four long sleeve shirts
Four pairs of shorts
Four pairs of jeans
An extra pair of shoes
Her hair brush
Her toothpaste and toothbrush
Six pairs of socks
8 pairs of underwear
A picture of her whole family
Her bracelet helps her control her magic
And her painting kit

When Hope and Rebekah go downstairs, they see her parents waiting for her."Are you all packed, Hope?"Nik asks.

"Yes, sir."She answers."Alright, let's hit the road!"Hayley says excitedly.As they get on the road, Hope asks if they can listen to music.

When Klaus goes to say no, Hope gives him the puppy eyes.

Hayley giggles at the sight of a beautiful daddy daughter bond. So, of course, her dad says yes because she has him wrapped around her little finger, and everyone knows it.

He knows he can't deny it either. He tries to, but he can't. She knows it as well.

Klaus sends Hayley a death stare, and if looks could kill, then Hayley would be dead. She stops giggling as soon as she sees the death stare Klaus is giving her.

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