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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Heartless - The Weeknd

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:18


    Like any other day, the day starts with a couple of famous figures cuddling in bed. It's just an ordinary day, so there's no need for an early start. Both of them are comfortably holding each other, still in their dreamland. That is, until one of them groans, meaning they're awake. Well, almost.

    Y/n shifted, her hands moving from their previous place to her face. Her whole body hurts, obviously from the no-break event she went to. She peeked through some of her fingers to see her lovely boyfriend peacefully sleeping beside her with his hands snaked around her figure. 

    "Rin~" She sang, burying her face in his chest. The taller male hums in response and fall back asleep right after. "Morning~" She sang again, her voice slightly muffled.

    Rin, probably half asleep, leaned in for a quick, soft peck on the lips. "Morning.." Rin's voice was raspy in a rather attractive way from Y/n's point of view. "What time is it..?" Rin asked with that same voice. Y/n reached for her phone on the nightstand and turned it on.

    "Like- almost 9," Y/n then noticed the number of notifications from different social media platforms. She got up and sat down with her back leaning on the wall. Rin, seeing her position changed, also changed his position. He placed his head on Y/n's stomach and wrapped his arms around her waist.

    The couple stayed in that position for a few more minutes before Rin decided to get up and to his morning routine. While Y/n is still on her phone, laughing at some random post on Twitter. After a while, she got up and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast for her and her lovely husband.

    "Hm.." Y/n hummed as she searched for ingredients that she could use to make a decent breakfast. After finding some slices of bread and some eggs, she decided to make sandwiches. She grabbed the eggs, bread, green onions, and some meat from the fridge. And with that, she began cooking.

    After a while of working in the kitchen, Y/n felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around her waist as the owner's head rests itself on her shoulder. "Smells nice," Rin commented, giving the cook a soft peck. Y/n giggled at the comment. She placed the egg on a piece of bread before turning around, giving Rin a soft, tender kiss.

    "Go sit down, okay? I'll bring the food," Y/n said. Rin nodded and walked to the counter parallel to where Y/n was standing. He watched her as she prepared their food with eyes full of love and affection. What did he do to have a wife like this?

    It's like whoever arranged their marriage knew they were made for each other. Of course, their relationship started as strangers in that relationship for business purposes. But as time goes on, both Rin and Y/n grow close to each other. They bond through quality time like movie night and something small like late night drive after an event.

    Y/n is always there to support Rin when it's time for him to practice before an important match and even when it's time for that match. She was never interested in football/soccer as she's not the type to like watching sports. But Rin changed that point of view. Rin's way of playing interests her, as he started playing with such elegance, but then goes berserk when it's time to do so.

    Rin doesn't know much about music. When it comes to music, well... He just listens to whatever is in his playlist. Though, Y/n's music genre isn't the one Rin listens to the most. Now that he's with Y/n, he follows her at concerts and practices and listens to her singing. As time goes on, he starts to take a liking to her music. The way she sings so softly somehow makes Rin feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's an unfamiliar yet nice feeling for him.

    Y/n glanced over at Rin eating beside her. "So," she started, "any plans for today?" While waiting for his response, Y/n took a bite out of her sandwich. She melts at the various flavors bursting in her mouth. Soft, scrambled egg and crispy beef slices with just enough grease.

    Rin hummed, "Dunno. What do you want to do?" He turned to look at her, his heart melting at the sight of Y/n's soft expression with her cheeks puffed out. She's enjoying the food and is expressing it even though she didn't mean to do so. Rin's chuckle snaps her out of her thoughts as she side-eyed him. She joined his little giggling fit with a smile as genuine as ever.

    "What about a grocery shopping date?" Y/n recommended. The fridge has little to no ingredients left for her to cook, and it's been a while since she went grocery shopping. Rin nodded at her reply and continued to bite his breakfast, and so did Y/n.


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