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The first selection had come to an end and the remaining 125 players had nine days to endure physical training from hell.

That hell was created by Ego.

Nine in the morning was when each team had to start the day with two sets of a two hour endurance run. At two in the afternoon, they would then move onto extreme core training for an hour. At four would be weight training which then moved onto a hundred laps around the field before finally, they could eat their dinner at eight in the night.

You had paused your advanced training in those days as the players weren't allowed to go near a football during that specific time.

You could only watch as Ego had ordered and give your support from behind the screen, hoping it would reach them.

The nine days had come to an end and at six thirty in the morning, every screen in the facility came to life as you appearance showed up on it despite it being so early.

"Good morning, everyone! The first selection has been completed in all wings. Please get changed into your training gear and move to the central underground area in your wing."

Raichi didn't know whether he had died from exhaustion and went to heaven because an angel had graced their presence upon his eyes as soon as he opened them.

It took him a while to realise that he was very much alive and for the angel's words to sink in.

That angel being you.

"It's finally over! I was going to burn this place down if we had to endure another day of that crap training." Raichi muttered.

"[L/N] would kill you if you did." Bachira pointed out as he stretched, letting out a loud yawn.

Team Z were ready to take on the other wings above them as they made their way to the underground area but as they stepped out to observe the other players, Isagi couldn't help but notice that they were just as exhausted as him.

'237? 269? Why do they have the same rank as our wing?' Isagi questioned in disbelief.

"Hello, my unpolished gems."

Ego appeared on the screen and faced the boys who paid attention to him.

"Well done on completing your physical training. I'm sure the clever ones have noticed but there actually was never a Wing 1, 2, 3 and 4. Only Wing five exists in Blue Lock." He revealed.

Ego was met with anger from a majority of the players but he shut them down immediately.

"Idiots. Those trepid remarks that you're making now is what I'm talking about! I created Blue Lock to give you that level of 'goal hunger'." He said which silenced the boys and have them listen to his next words.

"That sort of hunger is what will set an ego which will change the world."

You were seated in back, watching Ego giving his speech but you couldn't contain your excitement for the next selection to begin as your tech would be of use to all players now.

"Let's start the second selection!" You exclaimed, moving your face in front of the camera and annoying Ego in the process.

He shoved your face away which earned him a protest but you kept your mouth shut when you received a glare.

"The second selection has five stages.  Clearing the first stage is your next objective and those who clear all five stages...will be able to participate in a match against top players around the world." Ego revealed.

Isagi looked over to the doors that would take him to the first stage as he took a deep breath, determined to go ahead and complete it.

"Warm however you like and once your done, enter the first stage one by one. This will be an individual battle from now on."

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