Chapter 11

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"Lixie, I think I'm in love with you," I confessed to Felix.  We both agreed on taking our time, but I couldn't hold it anymore.  I don't expect him to answer me back.  Plus, that kiss did not help.

"Jinnie..."  I cut him off.

"You don't have to answer me back, Lixie.  I know I told you that we'd go at your pace.  I just want to let you know how I feel.  You don't have to force yourself, and I'm not forcing you to love me."  I told him.  Felix sat there quietly.  He must be thinking that I'm too pushy.  What if he doesn't like me? 

"Jinnie... I love you, too."  He answered back.  I was shocked.  I didn't expect him to give me an answer right away.  "I don't want to fight with my heart anymore. I know deep down inside my heart that I love you.  I shouldn't let my past dictate my future.  And I trust you with my heart, Jinnie."  He continued.

"Aww, Felix, you don't know how much you made me happy!" I said.  "I promise I will never hurt you or make you regret your decision."  I leaned closer to Felix's face until our lips touched again.  "I love you so much, Felix."

"I love you so much, too, my love." 

A Week later

Felix and I just finished a photoshoot together and are now driving back to his house.  Minho is out of town for a modeling event and won't return until the next day.

"Have you told Minho yet that we're officially together?"  I asked Felix while I continued driving.

"Umm... Not yet.  I was waiting for the right moment." He answered back. I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my lips. 

"Hmm... why don't we gather everyone for dinner to make the announcement? Since none of our friends and family knows about us yet."  I suggested.

"Jin,  isn't it too much to announce it like that?  It's not like we got engaged or anything."

"I know, but you're special to me, and our relationship is special to me."

"Alright,  I could send a group text to everyone.  When should we have dinner then?"  Felix asked.

"Maybe next weekend? Would that work?" 

"I'll ask the guys when they'll be free."  He paused for a bit.  "I'm nervous, though.  What would they think?"

"Don't worry about what others will think about us. I know they will be happy about us."

"Ok, love. I'll text them now."  He grabbed his phone and started typing the message.

I focused on driving, and a few moments later, we arrived at Felix's house.  I parked the car, and we both got out of the car and went inside the house.


I took out my phone from my pocket and started sending the message to the guys.  I'm really nervous about announcing to everyone that Hyunjin and I are officially together, but as Hyunjin said, as long as we are happy, that's all that matters. 


🤪Crazy 8 🤪


Hey guys!!


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