Boring ~ Shuji

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Maya invited me over to her house

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Maya invited me over to her house. Anna was going to be there, obviously. You can never catch those two without each other.

I already know they're just going to leave me out and play with Maya's Sylvanian dolls, boring.

Maybe I can hang out with Shuji, he's cool. And hot.

Once I arrived at Maya's house, Anna was already there. We went to Maya's room and talked about the drama going on around the school.

"Is it just me or are Connie M.'s boobs getting bigger?" Anna asked out of the blue.

"Why were you staring at her boobs?" I questioned.

Sure Connie's boobs were big but that doesn't mean stare at them 24/7.

"Uhm, idk." She answered.

"I don't stare at her boobs, so..." Maya shrugged.

"Did Alex look at me today?" Anna asked, once again. No, he didn't by the way. He never does. Because he doesn't like her.



Gosh, it's like we're feeding off each others delusions.

"I'm bored." I confessed. I mean, who isn't? Sitting here on the floor of Maya's bedroom is definitely the opposite of fun.

"Let's play with my Sylvanian dolls." Maya said, grabbing them out of her closet. She didn't even give me a chance to say I didn't want to.

I let out a loud sigh, it had been an hour and they were still playing!

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I let out a loud sigh, it had been an hour and they were still playing!

Standing up, I left the room. I was not about to sit there for any longer. Anna and Maya were currently making their dolls argue for the 100th time.

Right as I walked out, Shuji bumped into me while trying to enter his room. Great, just great.

"Hey Y/n, you good?" He asked, stopping in his tracks.

I looked like an angry mess.

"Yeah, why?"

"You looked mad I guess. Why aren't you with Maya and Anna?"

I sighed, once again. "They're playing with the Sylvanian dolls. I didn't want to play though, so I was just gonna go to the bathroom or something."

Shuji thought for a moment.

"Instead of sitting in the bathroom, wanna come hang out with me?" He suggested.

I smiled and nodded. He opened his door and let me in.

I looked around, it wasn't much. Just a plain old bedroom.

He sat down on his bed and patted the seat next to him. "Wanna watch a movie?"


I sat down and leaned my back up against the wall. He turned on 'Wild Things'.

"Ew! Why would you put on this movie." I complained.

"Uh because." He laid down beside me while I sat beside him.

During one of the inappropriate scenes in the movie, I grimaced

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During one of the inappropriate scenes in the movie, I grimaced. Shuji watched intensely.

This is disgusting, how do people watch this?

I ended up laying down beside him. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer, subconsciously.

My heart rate sped up as I turned red. I actually want to die right now. The position I was in forced me to put my head on his shoulder.


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Soon enough, Y/n was asleep. Shuji laid me down and got my house number from Maya.

He called it and my mom answered.

"Hi, is this Y/n's mom? It's Shuji, Maya's brother." He informed her.

"Yes this is her, did something happen to my baby?" She asked concerned on why Shuji was calling her instead of her daughter, Maya or Yuki.

"No ma'am, she fell asleep and I was just asking if she could spend the night." Shuji told her sweetly.

"Oh, that's okay! Just make sure she's back home around 11 tomorrow!"

"I will ma'am, goodnight." He waited for her to say goodnight back and then hung up.

Shuji walked back into his room and saw his blanket fell off of her and onto the floor.

He grabbed it and put it over her, making sure she was comfortable. Shuji laid beside her and put his arm around her shoulders.

She cuddled into him which made him smile and his face to heat up.

Shuji fell asleep about ten minutes later.

I hope this is good 💀 Someone requested for another Shuji one so here it is

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I hope this is good 💀 Someone requested for another Shuji one so here it is.

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