Quiet ~ Alex

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I gotta get to sleep 🙏🏽


If 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑡 was a person, it would be me

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If 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑡 was a person, it would be me.

I hate people, they're really loud and obnoxious. (same twin)

The only person who is semi-chill in our school is Alex Nolan, one of the popular boys. That sounds unusual but it's true.

He's chill and he doesn't talk much. I still don't understand why Heather cheated on him with her cousin.

He's also really cute, I would definitely date him if I had the chance.

But we've only talked once, and that was when we were partners for an English project. Which we got an A on!

I always sat in either the back or middle in my classes. All I did was read, I hated sitting with my friends. All they did was get me in trouble for talking, even though I would never talk.

My grades are perfect. Except for one class, math. We don't talk about that though.

When I walked into English today, I thought it was going to be another boring, stupid day. But, I was wrong.

While I was doing my work, I heard Alex, Brandt and Dustin talking.

Usually, I don't eavesdrop, but once I heard my name, I stopped doing what I was doing.

Listening closer, they were definitely talking about me.

"She's got a fat ass, and big tits!" Dustin informed.

"She's hot." Brandt said.

Wait, I was? Huh?

"Should I go sit with her? What if she doesn't like me?" Alex panicked.

No, no, no. Please don't come sit with me. I beg you.

Suddenly Alex walked over towards me.

Oh fuck. What do I do? Someone take me home, I wanna go home!

"Hey, can I sit with you?" He asked, face redder than a tomato.

"Uh, sure?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.

Why the hell am I so awkward? It's not like I like him..I think. Great, why do I now realize I have a crush on this boy.

He sat next to me and it was quiet for a minute. We were both too scared to talk to each other.

"You're Y/n, right?" He asked, breaking the weird silence between us.

"Mhm." I answered his dumb question. He already knew my name, he just wants to make conversation.

Poor boy, he probably thinks I don't like him.


Oh gosh, she doesn't like me does she? What do I do?

I looked over at my friends for help. Dustin mouthed 'make conversation dummy!'.

"How are you?" I blurted out.

She looked at me with her beautiful eyes. I could get lost in 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠 all day. She's so pretty.

"I'm doing fine, what about you?" I saw her crack a small smile which made me smile.

"Good, now that i'm talking to you." I flirted.

She smiled even more and I saw the heat rising to her pretty face. She had a piece of hair in her face, so I brushed it away.

"Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? You had a piece of hair in your face." I questioned, wanting to make sure what I did was okay with her.

"Oh, it's okay, don't apologize." She reassured.

We continued talking and did our work together.

We continued talking and did our work together

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I walked out of class quickly. No way that just happened. Once I got to my locker, I opened it and grabbed my math notebook.

I put on lipgloss and closed my locker to go walk around before the bell rung.

As I was walking, I passed Alex and Dustin's locker. They were standing close together talking about something, or someone.

As I passed them, I heard a locker close and someone walk up beside me.

"Hey." They said. I looked to my right to see, Alex.


I slowed my pace so he could keep up. I could feel his eyes going up and down my body. It made me feel slightly confident, in a way.

Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me to the lockers so he could talk to me face to face.

"I..uhm..I have a question." He stated.

"Ask away."

"You're really, really pretty and funny and sweet. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" He asked nervously.

I could tell he was shy and nervous. His face was red. What do I say?

"Sure." I answered.

Alex's eyes widened as he looked up at me.

"Really!?" He sounded so happy and it was so cute.

"Of course. You're cute, you know that right?" I flirted, getting a little more comfortable around him.

He looked down but I grabbed his chin and made him look back up at me.

The bell rang so I kissed his cheek and walked away, leaving Alex flustered and happy.

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