chapter 15

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Help I can't add a picture up there! I have like hundred memes left😭

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming open while I quickly stood up and rubbed my eyes.
"Good morning y/n. Mr itoshi is waiting in the living room" a butler said while slowly made my way out of the bed.
"Mh thanks" i said and went into the bathroom to make my hair since I don't wanna look completely shitty with this huge clothes and those tousled hair.

I slowly went downstairs and saw how sae was already sitting at the huge table.
"Good morning sae"  i greeted him with a smile and his eyes wandered towards me.
"Morning y/n" his eyes drifted to his clothes i was wearing and a small smile crept over his face.

"Take a seat" he said and I looked on the table where were so many different delicious sorts of food. I took a seat across from him and on my plate where was laying some eggs, rice, miso soup, pickled radish and grilled mackerel.

"Whoa that's a lot" i said shocked since there was also a lot more on other plates too. "Eat as much as you like" he said what I answered with a nod.

"Itadakimasu" we booth said and began to eat.
(Before eating, Japanese people say "itadakimasu," a polite phrase meaning "I receive this food." This expresses thanks to whoever worked to prepare the food in the meal.)

It was really delicious and I ate pretty much that my stomach was now hurting.
"Thank you for letting me stay here but i should go now. My mom should be already back" i said and bowed a little as a thank you. 'whoa since when am I so nice?'
"Okay I'll drive you back." he said and we booth walked towards the huge gate.

the ride was rather quiet and now he stopped so I could get out. "thank you again. Good bye sae I'll text you" i chuckled. "stop thanking me so much and yeah bye y/n" he said and I closed the door behind me.
"Hey mom I'm back" i yelled and I saw my mother in the kitchen. "hey y/n how was it with harumi?" My mom asked me and went into the kitchen.
"Oh it was really good" i said. "really that's funny you know" she began and I looked confused at her. "because harumis mother said that Harumi haven't seen you the whole weekend" she said and I gulped
'Man Harumi betrayed me'

"Oh uhm..." I began but I couldn't think of an excuse. " Save your excuses, I want to hear the truth" my mom can be so scary if she's angry 😰

"Okay so a week ago or something like that i found some new friends okay and they had a soccer match where i wanted to meet them. And since harumi also liked soccer we went together to the match but we had a little fight and she left me alone. And uhm because of the night. I was staying at a friends house" i explained it towards her. "who's the friend? Do i know her?" My mother asked me suspicious.

"No, his name is sae " I admitted. "oh a guy? What did you two do ?" My mother asked me skeptically but at the same time with a meaningful grin.
"Mom nothing!" I said and quickly went upstairs to let me fall on my bed.


I'm home🤗

Monster 🤗


shidou 😐
where were you i thought we wanted to fight🤬

Man i had enough problems with Harumi

Harumi 💕
what have I done to you?🙄

you changed Harumi 💕 to rat🤬

Oh harumi really nothing ☺️
You literally told your mom that i wasn't at yours.
And you left me alone on the road
Imagine sae wouldn't have came

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