chapter 1

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(Many of you must be confused about the age let me clear this.. i put this age according to covid period.. during COVID they didn't attend their college.. so i hope you understand this logic now)

"Taehyungie.. Taehyungie wake up.. you're getting late" jimin said while shaking Taehyung to wake him up..
"Good morning chim chim " tae said while waking up... "Bad morning you lazy ass.. now hurry up otherwise you and i will get scolded for being late" jimin said bit annoyingly..
"Ok ok..wait here .. I'll be back in 5 minutes " tae said rushing to the washroom to get ready..
After getting ready they went downstairs and had breakfast then left together for their collage..
At the college they were late thanks to Taehyung.. the teacher was a bit angry but it's not a new thing the teacher asked them to come in and focus on the lecture..
The sit together as always but Tae wasn't concentrating and whispering to jimin some random things and jimin was controlling his laugh because they were still in the class and he was asking to stop doing strange things now..
The classes went like this..

At the canteen. Taehyung and jimin waved at their best friend Jungkook..
"Hey jungkookie how are you?" jimin asked jk with a smile.."I'm good are you guys doing?" Jk asked them "we are good kook" Taehyung said smiling at the younger male.. "ok let's get our food" jk said while getting up to get their food.. "ok take mine also" they said and jk nodded..
They all eat their food while talking about many stuff..
"Hey jimin and kook there's a party at my place tomorrow for namjoon hyung's b'day.. so i want both of you to come there" Taehyung said while sipping tea...
Jk and jimin noded.. jk didn't met namjoon and jin yet..he was new here.. so he was really excited to meet his best friend's family members..
"Oh well the dress code is black" v said .. "jk most of the time wears black so it's not new for him"jimin said while sipping his coffee ☕
"Yeah. Ok I'll be there..what time should we visit there hyung?" Jk asked.. "9.00 PM .. I don't want you two to be late" V said.."look who's talking about being late" jimin said with a little bit of sarcastic smile.. "excuse me. I'm not always late" V said defending himself.
And jk just laughed at his Hyungs behaviour..
" Ok hyung it's time for my next class.. I'll be leaving now.. bye" jk said while getting up to leave.. both of them wave at kook and said Bye.. the they also went to their class.. History class which Taehyung hated the most after math..
History classes are soo boring for him
But still he had to attend the class because it's JIMIN's favourite class.. and he don't want to be alone without his jiminie.. and also he have to pass the exams.. so he have to attend the class..
They went to the class and sit down and after the class ended they left the classroom and went to their house..
Most of the time they went in the same car because their houses are not far from each other.. so jimin dropped tae in front of his house and said bye to him..
"See you at the party darling" tae said and winked at jimin playfully.. they sometimes flirt with eachother and it's normal for them to call each other as and by now everyone is used to their flirting stuff..
"Bye..see you at the party" jimin said as he drove the car and went to his house..
It was a tiring Tae decided to have a shower as it will refreshes him and then he went to the kitchen to see if there was any snacks or not and of course his snacks was ready there with a note.. "eat this and take rest baby- jin hyung" v smiled at the note and took the snacks and sit on the couch and open TV.. he was enjoying a TV show while eating his snacks..then he hears someone's voice..he turned around to see the person and smiled at the was his jin hyung.. "hey hyung.. how was your day?" Tae asked jin with a smile.." ah tae it was a little tiring as we have to finish the work because tomorrow is a party and we can't work tomorrow.." jin said while loosing his tie.. "ok where's namjoon hyung" Tae asked as he couldn't see his another hyung.. "he's still in the office..i told him to come back but he said that he will be back after finishing the work" jin said .. jin and namjoon manages their dad's company The Kim private limited..
"Ok hyung now sit have snacks with me and let's watch this show together " Tae offered jin the snacks but jin said that he has to take a shower first so he went to his room to take a shower
He came back after taking a shower and then it was time to have dinner so he make something quickly and served the food.. Namjoon already came back from the office and took a shower and then came to have dinner with his brothers..
It doesn't matter how busy they are they always have dinner together.. it's kinda reunion with eachother after a long day.. they have dinner and went to their room to sleep.. because they have get up early tomorrow so there's no need to waste any time.. "ok hyungs..good night sweet dreams" Tae said as he give his Hyungs a good night kiss .. yes he's a grown up man but he's the youngest one so he's their baby.. both namjoon and jin kissed him on his forehead and said good night to their baby..
Then he went to his room and laid on his bed and took his phone out..
And massaged jimin..

Hey pabo .. what are you doing?
                                    Don't call me that you brat.. don't forget that I'm 3 months older than you.. and I was going to sleep so don't disturb me right now..bye

Eh older.. I'm taller than you.. and ok.. good night.

                                    Ok good night 🌉

"Tomorrow is the party
Can't wait for tomorrow " Taehyung said to himself and went back to sleep 😪

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