Angel vs Demon

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The time ticks to 11 pm. I am still not asleep due to my assignments. Being a student is no easy fret, especially this week. Assignments, tests and quizzes all piled together in a single week are going to take a toll on any student. I am no exception to that.

The time ticks to 1 am. I am finally done. I head over to my bedroom to get some much-needed rest. Here is where the problem started. I roll over in bed for about half an hour and I still can't sleep. I am weirded out by this but I just thought that this is due to my recent sleeping schedule. I decided to watch some tv. You know, to just tire my eyes out. I might sleep even before turning the tv off. Meh, what do I care about? I am living alone so I am the one who pays the bill anyways.

Tv is so boring nowadays. You get shows that have no quality or just cooking channels. The best channels are the sports channels but no football(soccer) team is playing today. As I was browsing the tv guide for a decent show to watch, I found one particularly interesting. It is a show titled "Angel vs Demon". (Heh, what show is this? I haven't heard anyone talking about it) I thought to myself. Then again, I have a short memory of things that are not associated with my life. I am too lazy to turn on my laptop just to search for more info about the show. I decided that the info shown when selecting a show on the tv is enough. "An Angel must defeat a Demon so that he does not take over the world". (What a brand and cliché piece of information. Well, at least I got a decent concept of the show) I thought to myself.

Well, since I am that bored, I switched over to that channel. The show is already halfway through. 15 minutes left and it will be over. It is already the final battle between the Angel, Mika and the Devil, Fina. Such a cliché battle where the Devil is winning. It is to be expected that soon the Mika will receive some sort of blessing and become stronger to defeat Fina. However, here is the plot twist. Fina is winning the battle overall. It doesn't seem like Mika's power is going to grow and he is certainly looking like he is gonna die soon.

My thoughts became real. Fina's blade ripped through the flesh of Mika's delicate body. His wings are cut off by Fina's other blade. Fina proceeded to rip through Mika's body, tearing apart his inner organs. (Now this is weird, and pretty scary as well. Might as well change to another channel.) I thought to myself. This is the scariest part. All channels, including the cooking channels and sports channels, are currently airing the same show and all at the same time. (What the hell is happening?!) My mind races off as this being a shitty joke by the producers. I decided to just turn off the tv and turn on my laptop. There is no way I am sleeping after witnessing that atrocity.

My windows booted up. I proceeded to browse some videos to get my mind off it. However, once I started up my browser, it automatically goes to a blank page with nothing but "Angels and Demons" and from where I left off. Okay, this is starting to creep me out. This is not some producer's doing. In my sense of rationalism, I closed my laptop's cover and forced myself to bed. I can't sleep. Whenever I close my eyes, I remember how Fina was ripping out Mika's intestines and I opened my eyes immediately. Also, a sense of curiosity awoken in me. I wanted to know what happen in the end and if my laptop and tv will show the same part of the show that I left off anyway. There is no other choice for me. I'll have to watch the show until the end, no matter how gory, scary or weird it will turn out to be.

I reopened the cover of my laptop and as expected, the show is still on the part I stopped just now. I checked the time limit of the show. 5 minutes left. I could do this. I succeeded in doing so, and now everything has returned to normal...Well...Kind of... The ending of the show still haunts me today. I can only say one thing. If you are on the Internet or on tv browsing for something to watch and saw the title "Angel vs Demon", turn off the damn tv or any of the other devices you were using. Seriously, once you are trapped, there is no way out until you watch the show till the end. Take it from someone who has. You do not want to witness the horror I saw during the ending. Even today, the ending terrifies me and I still dream of it, though it is less than before. So, remember, do not watch this show at all!

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