Moving To A New Town

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{ok i re-create this Story since i deleted the old one :( it was bad lol well just enjoy it Quin probably adding smut ;) Lets just get straight to the story ha! }

Few Months Ago Quinton/Quin Got kicked out by his parents for getting fired from Quin never really have a good parents.. His Dad didn't care about him and well his Mom...lets probably not talk about it, Quin was getting all his stuff put into the taxi as he looked back at his old house where he used to live with his parents as he went inside the taxi and drove away into a new town Called _____ Town (Sorry didn't have any idea what to name the spooky month town thing.. Lol)
As the taxi stop by an Hotel named "Silver salvation" the hotel was actually pretty fancy but Quinton got out of the taxi as he gets his bags and got inside

The Lady inside the Apartment complex:Hello! Wellcome to our Hotel "Siover Salvation!" How may i help you today?

(To be continued-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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