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The episode starts with all the Caretakers sitting on a big rock with their Heroes floating by their sides in a river half corrupted half pure, with a waterfall flowing in the background. "This was a long time coming," Pyrare said, the view switched over to him "It's time I've told you all what I know about Dub. The tree and how this virus came to life."

The scene switches to a silicone of Dub, "Dub wasn't always an evil pink monster. He was a very nice beige monster." Pyrare said as Dub's silicone turns beige, the scene switches back to reality as Cube says "A beige monster..?", "Yes. And he didn't have intentions until....Well..." Pyrare said.

The scene switched back to the silicone background, "Until Dub got along with Barracuda...My son..." Pyrare said as it showed a silicone of Barracuda, "Dub made the virus while my son thought of how to spread it." he said as it showed the shapes of Dub and Barracuda.

"During their plan...Barracuda dies...And Dub continues to try and complete their plan ever since." Pyrare said, "To take over Paradise by using the Pink Corruption", "And with that . The tree of life has chosen us to raise these Heroes to be ones to finally defeat Dub once and for all." the image shows the Caretakers and Heroes shapes and colors and the Tree of Life in the middle.

The scene switches back to reality, "I can't believe it. Dub was good once?" Pentellow said with a frown, "The one thing that puzzles me the most is how did Dub create the virus?" Y/N asked, "That is a question only Dub would know." Pyrare replied.

The scene starts with a green pentagon running away from something in the corrupted side of Poly forest. Then a corrupted spike gets shot down from above and the shape barely dodges it, all the Caretakers get surprised, "What in the world was that!?" Pentellow asked, everyone looks at her.

"Let's find out!" Tsavorite exclaimed as he dashed away, "Slow down green!" Orange yelled from behind as he also dashed away, "Tsavorite! Wait a sec!" Pentellow and Iris said as Iris dashed to follow them, "Let's follow them!" Cyan said while carrying Cube, "Wait up Cyan!" H/N yelled, then she teleported herself and Y/N to the spot they were going to, Pyrare just looked surprised.

Green and orange colors were dashing all along the canopy of the corrupted side of Poly forest, everybody (except Pyrare and Gold) landed in a clearing in the forest where they all stopped, the green shape could be seen running away, when they stopped near a tree and almost got hit by a spike, another corrupted spike shot at him when he was protected by a barrier H/N, Orange, and Tsavorite made.

The scene switches to the shape that was shooting the corrupted spikes at the green shape, it was a corrupted circle that looked like he was a part of an army. "Teh. Out of the way kids!" he said as he blew his hands, which was glowing pink, "He was about to join us!"

"NOT FOR LONG!" Iris said, as he jumped towards the shape with his sword raised, but the shape dodged the attack and was nearly sliced, he jumped back and started to shoot spikes from his hands "Grab him!" Iris yelled, "O-ok..!" Cube replied, but before he could grab him, he shot a spike.

Cube dodged it but Y/N was standing right behind him and got shot onto a tree, "Y/N..!" Cube yelled, then he grabbed the corrupted circle with his claws, Iris teleported behind him and encased the circle with the triangle and cured the shape.

Iris held his hands up for a high-five, but Cube looked over to Y/N and frowned. Then Iris put his hand down. "Whao. Thanks for saving me." the shape said, "No prob. You're in a group I assume?" Iris asked.

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now