Day One

211 11 15

You may have seen this already, but I've decided to move this from the oneshot book to it's own book as I had got too many ideas and didn't want to overload the oneshot book with home is where the quack is parts.


It was Soviet's idea to visit my childhood home. Ofcourse I didn't want to at first, and he did respect that. But after thinking about it I figured it for the best to atleast attempt to see how it is now.

My leg bounces to the point of noticeability whilst I stare at the passing water and far-away mountains. The train's quieter than the one I went on to get away from the village.
God, and to think I didn't wanna leave that place.

Soviet's hand rests upon my bouncing leg, stopping it and calming me significantly in the process.
"You okay?"
He says with a small yet reassuring smile.

Humming, I give a not so confident smile back, it slightly faltering near the end,
"yeah, just.. you sure bonnie and синий are okay without us?"
I watch him, studying him for any signs of dishonesty. Obviously, there wasn't any.

"Да, they'll be okay, they've got Portugal to look after them, and they've always got each other if they get lonely."
He brings me into a side hug in which I rest my head against him.
I respond, still rather unsure.
"I suppose.."

In an attempt to distract me from my thoughts, he starts to ramble about something,
"soooo, you said there were ducks that lived at your old house, what were they like, what did they do... were they friendly??? I heard ducks can be pretty aggressive, but maybe that's just gees--"

Laughing, I kiss him to quieten him enough for me to respond. But for added measure I kept a finger placed on his lips.
"yes, there were ducks, they were pretty friendly." I smile at a small memory.
"Although not towards England, but to be fair, nothing was friendly towards England there. Northern Ireland used to lead them to outside England's bedroom door so that he would get attacked as soon as he opened the door."

Northy loved the ducks there, well she loved every bird there. She really likes birds.
England used to the threaten to cook them and eat them infront of her if she carried on putting them infront of his door. Obviously she stopped doing it after that and England got quite the telling off from my mam for upsetting Northy so much.

Soviet smirks at me, probably knowing that his plan to distract me had worked.
Some of the older people on the train start staring at us and I'm unsure whether it's because one of us are their country, or we're being too gay for them.

After a few minutes of sharing some of my, uhm, happier memories from my childhood home, the train gradually slows to a halt, allowing for the announcement that we had arrived at our stop to sound.

We step off the train, me before Soviet as I knew where I was going and you know, he doesn't. He looks around at his surroundings before eventually resting his line of sight on me and smiling.
Returning the smile, I also take a moment to look around.

Oh it has been a while. Over a decade infact and yet everything looks the same. Well, except for the train station, that had been done up when the train was changed.

Hesitating, I take a hold of my lover's hand, alongside one of the two bags that were resting against our legs, and start to lead him towards the aging house upon the hill. The house that is all too familiar. It looks so uncared for, abandoned almost.
Although, I suppose it was abandoned in a way.

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