A Friend and Fan

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We have been joined at the hip since grade school. Any chance to see one another, we took it. The times when I was bullied, the boys got beat up by Bad. He was mean to everyone, except me.

Once middle school came around, everyone thought that we were dating since he would wrap an arm around me to walk me home and had a bat in the other hand. He was the rebel and my feelings for him… I always said that it never had been passed, friends.

At least, that is what I told myself when my heart would skip a beat when he looked my way. He wasn’t so good with his studies, so I had to always help him. He wasn’t stupid, but it took someone else that he actually enjoyed talking with to get him to listen.

He would get me flowers as payment, and I would always put one in my hair. He would smile when I did, but he would quickly turn away. Once we were at the end of high school, he took on being a hero. He did very well and even made it to S class. He is truly amazing. I got a job at a retail store. It was really great until monsters made appearances.

It was rare, but it was scary. After work, I would walk Zenko home from school. She always thought that Bad and I were together, and I would laugh it off. I had gotten hurt by a monster during work. They destroyed the store, I was lucky that Stinger was there to save me. I had a black eye and a cut lip. It wasn’t as bad as it looked. Stinger approaches me.

“Are you alright, darling?”

I nod, “Sorry, I must have been in the way.”

“Not at all. I am here to keep people safe. Do you need further assistance? An ambulance?”

“No, I actually have to get going.”

“Well be safe out there.”

I nodded and left to pick up Zenko, and I got a lecture. Saying how I was just like Bad and that I need to be more careful. I took the scolding and made dinner. I plan to get another lecture once Bad gets home. The door opens and speaks of the devil.

“Oi I heard from Stinger that there was a monster around, and it was by where you work. Did you hear about"

He locked eyes with me in shock, “[F/N]?”

He ran up to me, parting my hair very delicately, looking at my bruises.

“Stinger killed the monster so -"

He tch’ed and looked to Zenko. He huffs before leaving. Zenko said that she was fine, so I followed after him. I found him in the junkyard, bashing away anything in his path with his bat. He yelled and thrashed until falling to the ground. I ran to him and leaned down to look at him.

“You okay, Bad?”

He grabs me, pulling me in his lap, hugging me strongly against his chest.

“No, I swore that no one would ever harm you. I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m sorry, you must have been scared.”

I hug back, “At first, but I’m okay, Bad.”

He wouldn’t let me look at him. Pushing me to look the other way as he sniffed.

“Don’t be upset, Bad.”

Babysitting: Metal Bat × Reader 🌶Where stories live. Discover now