part 1

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Sorry kid I think
you've got the wrong number
this isn't Madison

Don't fuck with me Maddie
Bleeding out
I've been stabbed
Help me

Kid I swear I'm not Maddie
Hell I'm not even a girl
And how the hell
Did u get stabbed
Are u ok?

Yea I'm starting to gather that
Your not Maddie she would of killed me for calling her maddison
Plus I'm not going to a stranger what happened
Anywhooo I'm great now

Kid u just got stabbed
how the hell are u ok

Let's just say magic
Sooo what u up to

Why do u need to know that

Because I am bored as fuck

Well if u must know
I am in the middle of a meeting

Cool is it important

No not really

( The meeting was in fact important )

Well that sucks sorry for bothering you


Don't worry about it kid
I was bored anyway
So do I get to put a name to this number

Whyyy you could be a pedo for all I know
So for now let's just call meeee
( Que dramatic effect )      Shadow!!!
Now what should I call u?

??? has changed ??? Into shadow

Just call me Bob the builder

Shadow has changed ??? Into Bob can't build it

Bob can't build it:

Very well I got to go
raid my friends house

Bob can't build it:
Well have fun then


Shadows pov:
( Venoms thoughts will be in bold )

Well he seemed lovely
"How do u know it was a he"
He said he wasn't even a girl which explains that he's a guy
"Alright smarty pants don't get your knickers in a twist"
I want food and right now your liver is looking delicious
"Okay Okay chill but we don't have any food at this moment since someone ate it all"
Well it's not my fault I was hungry
"Yea sure it's not"
It isn't
" Right well then let's go Parker's house to get our stash shall we"
We shall indeed
So henceforce and let the adventures of Kayla and venom on there journey to get food begins
"Yea ok v if u say so"
I do say so so go before I eat you


Well this is the first chapter honestly I have no idea what I'm writing I just see loads of these and wanted to try write one

So I have no idea how this will turn out bc this is like my first actual book that I have ever wrote

venom X avengers (wrong number story)Where stories live. Discover now