Elounor vs. Larry

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I'm quite happy at the moment so this section isn't necessarily a rant per se, but I just had to get this written down somewhere besides Twitter where you get judged for literally everything. I'm not going to write the usual Larry shipper stuff because it does get really repetitive and can come across as annoying. After being a fan for more than 2 years and being stuck between shipping both Eleanor and Larry, i feel like maybe i can relate or explain certain things. So please don't take this to heart if i offend you. This is just a generalized synopsis about the overly-analyzed and never-ending topic of Larry Stylinson.

Attacking People

I don't even really know where to start but I just have to say that this is probably going to offend extreme shippers so yeah. If you're an elounor shipper. I just have to say that I completely and totally respect you, IF you don't go after Larry shippers. It's okay to express your opinion, but don't attack someone else at your own level for something as stupid as a ship, something that might not even be real. If you say someone is 'deluded' please just stop. If you attack someone else for being crazy and what not, you're just being really hypocritical because you're also going after a stranger over something as ridiculous as a ship.

Being A Larry Shipper

People become Larry shippers because they see specific feelings between the two, not because they want to or they just think its hot. It takes months to ship something so hard, and it hurts. If you're a Larry shipper sometimes it sucks just as bad as if we were Louis/Harry dealing with the press. We don't choose to ship them, in fact believing and hoping for a gay couple is completely against my religion and family morals. I didn't want to ship something that some people consider as morally wrong, it just kind of happened. And i know. it's just a ship in a boyband that I don't even know personally. But it just goes to show that there is definitely something more there, unlike the other bromances.

Accepting Both Larry and Elounor

My main issue here is that Elounor and Larry shippers are constantly attacking each other, and even if we find out one day which is real, it's hard to accept either side just because of the shippers of both sides. Both elounor and Larry shippers are crazy and psychotic, but we need to remember that there are closet shippers, calm shippers, and even some people who don't ship either side and are still stuck on Louhannah (bless their hearts). And I hate to say this but often I find that elounor shippers attack us more often, probably because it is the popular thing to do or what @Louis_Tomlinson says. We didn't choose to ship them, I was an elounor shipper for quite awhile. Not including all of the carrots in middle school, there are about 4 real directioners in my school; namely me and my friends. 3/4 of us are Larry shippers. My sister is a Zayn girl and ships them, my friend is a Harry girl and ships them, and I'm a Liam-Harry-Louis girl and I ship them. Our other friend is an Elounor shipper, and I know for a fact is that the main reason she doesn't ship them is because she doesn't believe in homosexuality. We have occasional little teasing about elounor/Larry with each other, and it's almost always between my sister and our friend, mostly because those two are more outspoken. But since we are all fans and are here for the same reason, we continue to be friends because something like a ship doesn't really matter, we're only fans and we don't know the boys personally.

Eleanor Herself

I must say that she's a really cute and sweet girl, and she doesn't deserve the hate she gets from some hardcore shippers which I do admit take things too far. But I also don't think Eleanor deserves her own fan base. I think that's a little bit too far, considering she is just a girlfriend, if that. But I do believe she does deserve support and respect. And Eleanor is most definitely not 'ugly'.

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