The Red Guilt of Your Lies

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The day started off normally for broody Edward and not like other girls Bella. They were at school, where they should be during the day, but they got very bored very quickly. You could only make sure you understand the stages of mitosis so many times with your high school, forbidden sweetheart.

Bella and Edward ran off campus and to the forest, where they reminisced about the early days of their relationship. When Bella first learned what Edward was. But there were new developments. No longer just a vampire, Bella knew what Edward truly was and she was going to reveal it.

"I know what you are EDWARD!!!" She screamed into the forest, her back facing him.

"SAY ITTTT," Edward responded, just as enthusiastically, thinking it was still just a recreation of a special moment between them.

"Your red hair... the red blood you drink...." Bella whispered, her voice wavering with anxiety.

"Go on.." Edward followed the script, confused about where this was going. Why wasn't Bella commenting on his super speed and strength, and why... All the red?

"You- You smiled at me once..." Bella said, a tear dripping down her face. Only one.

"Just SAY IT (like i already told u to)" Edward begged. He was so confused now. Did she really know his true secret? What set him apart from the rest?

"Ur a... COMMUNIST (─‿‿─)" Bella revealed, y/n's jaw dropping while reading this, Edward feeling fully exposed and vulnerable. But Edward wasn't just going to sit over and die, he wasn't going to let Bella just make a fool of him. He was going to prove his real might.

"As if you could out-nuke me," Edward brags, bringing up the cold war because of course that was a good idea.

"How DARE you suggest I can't! I could blow you up any day(More ways than one) You know what I have in.. Turkey." Bella laughs as she says it, bringing up a sore spot for her apparently Russian boyfriend. Turkey was his least favorite food, it always made him sleepy,

"Yeah well, your bay is full of pigs lol



( =':')---<[:]|||||||[:]>

(..(")(")✿❀❁(")(")" Edward pulls up a picture of a bunny so Bella could really understand his feelings.

" could be a pig in my bay...if you get what I'm saying you, dirty communist," Bella says it like an insult, but she means something else. Unfortunately, Edward only heard the rude things.

"Are you implying communists are pigs? That's racist how dare you," Edward accuses Bella, thoroughly offended by being called a pig.

"If they are, then I'm craving some bacon." Bella really tries to prove her point, driving home the steamy scenes she wished to be a part of. C'mon Edward she wants you for some crazy reason!

"Are you saying you want to eat me? That's sexist," Edward replies. Oh so he was doing this on purpose, we love an 'I think I'm being rude' boy.

"Я хочу твоих свиней Эдвард," Bella said with her very minimal understanding of Russian. It was very minimal, she hated being similar to Edward and communists.

Edward started to chant incantations in Russian in hopes of scaring and turning Bella on. *я произношу заклинание и оно очень секретное и важное, я произношу заклинание и оно очень секретное и важное*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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