Day One, Greenie. Rise And Shine.

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     Movement. Fast movement; upward.
Her eyes flew open, and without even a millisecond to think about what she was doing, she shot up. Bad mistake. Before she even got to her feet, the cage lurched to a stop, and she fell back, knocking her head against something hard. Pain shot through her head, like a hammer had been dropped on it from twenty feet above her. Impossible. she couldn't see a thing, but somehow she could tell that whatever she was in was much shorter than that.
All through her body was the sickening feeling brought on by the thought of what the blow might have done to her head, as well as a fear she couldn't  remember ever feeling before.
Before what?
All of a sudden she felt like she was going to throw up. Nausea filled her entire being like a disease.
She couldn't remember anything: why she was there - much less how she had gotten there - her friends, her family. Gone: it was all gone.
She froze. Whom am-
 All of a sudden the door opened, blinding light becoming her first clear memory of anything outside of the dark, unstable thing she was in. She closed her eyes and hid her face by turning toward the box behind her. Crate. the word shot into her mind like a stinger. Yes, that's what she had hit her head on. She relaxed for a second; so someone hadn't dropped a hammer on her. Good.
But the relief only lasted for just that - a second. She looked up, and fear gripped her entire being once more. Boys. That's all she could see: boys. And they didn't look particularly friendly either. Especially the one with the scowl on his face that looked like it had been there since birth.
The expressions on their faces changed, however, into what looked to be surprise, maybe even confusion. She heard whispers, although trying to understand them was impossible.
An older boy, maybe sixteen or seventeen [ it was hard to tell, seeing he was about five or six feet above the edge of the cube-like structure she was sitting in] with sandy blond hair looked over his shoulder, and said in a thick, British accent the first words she could decipher among the distant whispers of the other kids: "It's a girl."

A rope dropped into the metal sructure, and the blond boy slid down the rope. A second later another boy [ the one with the angry scowl imprinted on his face] dropped down behind the first.
The girl froze in terror, then backed toward the large crates behind her. She bumped into one, knocking it to the floor, and spilling it's contents. She noticed the knife that had been contained in the now broken crate, and seriously considered diving for it, but quickly decided that no matter if she killed the first boy, and miraculously injured the next, she would be dead within minutes anyway. There were way too many guys up there for her to take down. And besides she didn't even know if she had ever touched a weapon before. It was most likely a death sentence.
"What's the deal, Gally? You don't think Newt can handle a little girl?" A snicker and a few outright laughs followed the question. The second boy, who she assumed was Gally, just ignored the comment.
"Hey there Greenie. What's your name?" The question came out of the mouth of the British kid, although she wasn't watching him as closely as the Gally kid. She was almost sure she could take - what was his name? Newt? - but she did NOT like the look of the second guy. If she tried anything, she had a feeling he would break her neck.
"Greenie?" She jerked her head slightly to the left. The blond kid.Why had he called her Greenie? That wasn't her name. All of a sudden the question he had asked replayed in her mind, and brought to light the one question she hadn't asked herself yet. Somehow, she knew it was the only question she could answer. She shifted the question of whether she should tell these people her name, but decided it was probably a bad idea not to.
"Taya. My name is Taya."
"Alrighty then, Taya. We're not gonna hurt you. We all came in the same way you did, and we're all in the same position." He looked her up and down, then added, "More or less."
Something in his voice made her want to trust him, but a greater fear still gripped her, and she backed up even farther, pinning the dishevelled crates against the wall.
"Hey, we ain't gonna hurt ya. We just want to get ya out of the box." The bigger boy spoke this time, not sounding quite so gruff as she had imagined.
She was still terrified and extremely tense, but something told her that she could trust these boys, although, she was determined not to allow herself to trust anyone until they had completely earned it. The boys had stopped about three feet in front of her, arms extended as if they were preparing to block any object she might fling their way. Smart guys. She had considered doing just that several times already.
Newt spoke next, keeping his voice at a low, even level. "Just let us get you out of the box, and we'll explain what's goin' on."
She eyed them both, then deciding it was her only option, she forced hrself to take a very small step away from the crates, then another. The boys walked over to the rope, Gally glaring at her sideways like he was thinking "Try anything and I'll hog tie you with this rope." Gally secured a tight knot in the rope, creating a loop about a foot long. He climbed up the rope to the top of the "box", then pulled himself up the rest of the way with the help of a skinny, dark haired kid, probably no older than fifteen.
Newt grabbed the rope, then gestured for her to walk over to him. She slowly, cautiously walked over, and, at his prompting, placed her foot in the loop. She grabbed the rope with her hands, and tensed as she felt herself being pulled upward towards the edge of the box; straight into the crowed of unknown, slightly sketchy looking boys. That's when it hit her.
What was she going to do when she got to the top?

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