Chapter 4

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"Ready for tonight, Min." Juyeon asks as he threw his arm over Changmin's shoulders. The latter just shrugged his shoulders with a 'sure' as he glanced over to the older. In reality, Changmin wasn't ready at all. Believe it or not, but Changmin hates big crowds, he will take any chance he can get to find an exit out of big crowds. But he won't tell anyone that, people are too fake to understand.

"Oh come on man! Lighten up, this is probably going to be one of the biggest parties this year! Just wait for senior year!" Juyeon rambled on as they walked out the school's entrance, Changmin just nodding his head along. Juyeon was always like this, never one to stop talking about parties or hooking up with people.

He always had someone under his arm, whether it be a girl or a boy, there was always someone. One thing that Changmin was glad about was the fact that Juyeon was bisexual and supportive of people's sexuality and or gender.

"Alright, I'll see ya later Min." Juyeon said as he gave Changmin a fist bump and walked away. Changmin sigh as he watched the older leave. "Can I just not go...?" Changmin asked himself before shaking his head and walking home.


"I don't have to get that dressed up, it's just a stupid high school party." Changmin said to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror. With a shrugged he threw on black ripped jeans and a black hoodie. He fixed his hair a bit before grabbing his phone, house keys, and cigarettes.

He looked at himself once more before walking out his house and down the stairs. "I'm heading over to Sunwoo's." Changmin yelled as he grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry before walking to the front door.

"Minnie...?" A voice called out.

Just that simple voice can make Changmin's heart warm and shattered at the same time. "I'll be back later Jeong." Changmin said as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of the little boy's head before ruffling his head. "Can you read a bedtime story when you come back?" Jeong asked as he looked up at Changmin.

Changmin smiled a sad smile before nodding, "of course I can. Love you." Changmin said giving the boy a hug and walking out the door. "He looks so much like you...." Changmin said to no one but himself.

"Let's get this party started!" Sunwoo exclaimed as he burst into the host's house with two bottles of alcohol. Changmin just shook his head with a sigh, "come on Sun, let's go build a cup tower and pour the alcohol into the cups!" Eric excitedly yelled as he dragged Sunwoo through the sweaty crowd of people.

"Don't run away too early." Juyeon said as he patted Changmin's shoulder and walking away. Changmin sigh as he pushed his hands into his hoodie pocket and made his way through the dancing bodies.

Changmin found himself in the kitchen after getting passed the dancing bodies and decided to grab some juice. "Not a good idea, it might have alcohol in it. Here.." a voice said as a cup appeared in front of Changmin's face. "Thanks..." Changmin cautiously took the cup.

"I promise you, there's nothing in the cup." The guy said with a chuckle as he watched Changmin sniff the cup. Changmin decided not to drink it as he started a conversation with the other.

" are you liking the party?" Changmin stupidly asked as he played with the cup in his hands. "It could be better...." The guy shrugged his shoulders as he let his eyes roam the crowd. Changmin just nodded as he looked around. "What's your name?" The guy asked as he faced Changmin, leaning onto the table a little.

"Changmin, you?" Changmin asked as he gestured to the other. "Younghoon. Did you come here with someone?" Younghoon asked as he eyed Changmin up and down.

"Just a few friends, you?" Changmin replied as he glanced over at the other. "Same. Single?" Younghoon asked a little too curious, "yea, I am." Changmin answered as he eyed the other with a somewhat disgusted expression. Before the conversation could continue, someone came up to Younghoon.

"Hey Hoon! There you are! I was looking for you!" The guy said as he happily bounced next to Younghoon. "Hey Hyunjae, what's up?" Younghoon asked a little annoyed, "come dance with me! Kevin and Jacob are acting like a couple again!" Hyunjae said as he began pulling Younghoon.

Changmin was quite delighted that someone pulled him out of that conversation, he was starting to get uncomfortable with how Younghoon was staring at him. He placed the cup down and started to walk out the kitchen to the living room where there were bodies on bodies, cups on the floor, and some liquid that Changmin was convinced that it was throw up because of the tiny chucks of food in it.

Changmin just shook his head as he started to walk through the bodies, careful enough to not step on any cups or convinced throw up.

'I don't know how these people can do it. How can they dance until they drop? How can they drink until they black out? How can they be carefree, but fake at the same time? It feels like an old 90s movie where they only cared about money and who's daddy can get them the most stuff. They don't care about others feelings or if they get pregnant or if their bodies are slowly dying.

Oh god, to have someone real for a change! To have someone who can understand the broken under all the smiles and laughter from the teeth! Someone who'll be there to hold you in your darkest times, someone to feel warmth from. That'll be so amazing.'

As Changmin walked with an absent mind, too lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the pink hair boy coming his way. So when the boy fell into Changmin's arms, they couldn't help, but stare at each other. "Are you okay?".


Ooooooo spicy!!!! I promise you I won't make them fall in love so easily. I want to make this book 20 chapters max.

I don't have anything else to say

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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