Niall's daughters??

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Nialls POV

One day we were walking in the park passing a ball back and forth, when louis being louis kicked the ball to far and it landed under a bridge. I went to go get it  when i saw a few kids under there. Two girls about 2 or 3 and a man running away from the bridge. I went twards them not knowing who they were only that there parents abandoned them. When I went tward twards them they looked scared afraid of me,niall,i mean im as frightning as a baby penguin and not the  pyhcotic one either.  I got closer and this is how our story begins

 Niall:N  Harry:H  Louis:L  Zayn:Z  Liam:Li Sara:S  Jennifer:J  (actions) in parenthesis

N: I'm Niall im not going to hurt you what are your names?

The bigger one of the two answered.

S: My name is Sara and this is my sister Jennifer.

N: Ok Sara and Jennifer who was that guy?

S: That is our dad.

N: Why are you guys under the bridge?

S: Well our dad told us to stay here and don't leave under any condidtion.

J: (handed me a folded peice of paper)

N:(I open it) It said who ever finds these girls take good care of them I just cant do it anymore scince my wife left me adopt them take them and do what you would do if they were your kids scincerly     John Hale. Ok Sara and Jennifer I have some friends I want you to meet they won't hurt you either.

S: Ok 

J: (simply nodded)

N: (The three of us come out from under the bridge) Then Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis ran up and were wondering who I was with.

Li: Niall who are these little girls?

N: This is Sara and thats Jennifer.

They all looked confused.

Z: Where did they come from?

L: Ya you come back with 2 little girls instead of a ball!

N: We can't be worried about a ball.

L: But that was my favorite one.

N: Well I'll buy you a new one, but right now we have to bring these girls to my flat.

H: Why 

N: Because their father abandoned them and left them under that bridge,he also wrote a letter and he gave it to Jennifer. Here just read it yourselves. (gave the boys the letter) 

After they were done reading the letter they were all in astonishment. So after that we took the girls to my flat. Then Sara and Jennifer were in awe about how big the flat was. 

S&J: (stopped in the doorway)

I erged them to go foward once I stopped they stopped.

N: (I stepped in front of them)  you are going to be staying here for a while ok.

S&J: (they nodded)

I went into the kitchen, trying to decide what I want to eat while the boys watch spongebob. I was standing over the fridge and the girls walked up.


N: What do you want to eat?

They thought for a moment.

S&J: Mac N Cheese

N: I don't know how to make mac n cheese but I know who can, HARRY GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE!!

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