Righteously Hauling Ass

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The dark blue walls, where the teenage male currently found himself squinting in confusion at his monitor, were painted to replicate the vastness of space, and currently found themselves adorned with an assortment of posters he would most definitely be embarrassed about; but the walls had often relaxed him on nights when sleep would refuse to come, and he was left to his own devices, or rather giving him dreams with no boundaries on nights he could sleep.

Currently, the teenager named Rhys leaned forwards in his charcoal colored chair, it used to be a comfortable spot when he played games. Now, his unquenchable urge to sink into the confines of the chair was just considered a distraction as Rhys' fingers tapped vigorously across the worn-out keyboard; his face screwing up into one of complete distress as the fight was quickly pulled out of his favor. In desperation he clicked on his computer mouse to escape the fight, releasing his Righteous Shield and essentially hauling ass.

"Oh come on...Screw you HJack69!!" He yelled out at the monitor, cursing against the opposing player, and slammed his fist on the desk; sending pens, pencils, and the comforter that had once been situated on his shoulders to the floor. "Oh come on! Come on! That is absolutely not fair...He can't just- I worked so hard! He's max level why would he...Oh my god!" Rhys groaned in detest, bringing his head down so his forehead rested on the edge of the desk. What exactly was the point in continuing playing if HJack69 was just going to bother him?

Rhys didn't bother in raising his head for several minutes, instead he closed his eyes and ran his left thumb across the space-bar methodically. Unfortunately, his sulk filled peace was interrupted by a soft whistle, which happened three times in the span of a minute, signalling he had multiple notifications. Raising his head, he squinted against the bright monitor light to read who had messaged him.

[1 New Message From User: HJack69]

[2 New Messages From User: EipsiLion]

Rhys' lips curled back into that of a scowl when mismatched eyes spotted the first message; cursor hovering over as he debated whether or not to read it. He really admired HJack69 (despite the hilarity of saying the username), but he couldn't even fathom what the message would say. HJack69 was notorious on the message boards for sending out taunting, insulting messages to the people he killed; whatever was in the message both excited and worried him.

Perhaps he'd answer it later.

For now, Rhys found himself focused on Yvette's, or rather EipsiLion messages; at least she was -somewhat- friendly towards him, her insults didn't ruin his self-esteem or degrade him...much. They talked so often he had become accustomed to her quirks. Smiling softly, he clicked on her messages after turning off his notifications:

[ EipsiLion: I see trying to impress the almighty hero didn't work in your favor.

EipsiLion: You know, he started violating your corpse.

ReeciesPieces: Oh ha ha. Very funny, much laugh.

EipsiLion: No memes.

EipsiLion: ....Anyways, I captured your death, think we'd get money if we sold it? The rare, wild HJack69 in action-- creeps like /you/ pay for that sorta thing.

ReeciesPieces: Me? A creep? Offense given and taken. Also please don't, I do //not// need my humiliating death being viewed. //Please//

EipsiLion: it's funny though, and with the extra money I could buy an expensive meal. Do you want me to starve?

ReeciesPieces: hahahaha do you only care about food? What about me and my feelings? You didn't get pwned like I did-- if anyone deserves expensive meals it's me.

EipsiLion: Funny. Hey-- we still on for Saturday?

ReeciesPieces: Can't do Saturday, Vaughn went to visit his mom. Sorry :(

EipsiLion: Okay, little disappointing but I can handle. afk

EipsiLion has logged off...]

"Aw, shit." Rhys cursed under his breath, fingers running through his hair in a fruitless attempt to replace the disheveled russet locks, eyes squinting against the brightness of the monitor to watch the growing number in the corner. During his pleasant conversation with Yvette he was spammed with messages from HJack69. "Alright, alright. I'm looking! I'm looking!" Uneasy, he clicked on the messages:

[ HJack69: HAHAHAHA- did you see how fast you died?!


HJack69: You had some pretty lame shit, though. Not even worth that much

HJack69: Hey, hey come on you ignoring me?

HJack69: I literally see you online, come on kiddo don't get butt hurt.

HJack69: Kiddo

HJack69: Pumpkin ]

Rhys let out a groan of annoyance, bringing a hand to rub at his face. Stubbly.

[ ReeciesPieces: You sold my stuff??

HJack69: ....

HJack69: oh now you respond. "you sold my stuff??"

HJack69: HAHA

HJack69: you'd think I'd sell that? I couldn't get Jack-shit for it!

HJack69: HAHA get it? Jack-shit, cause my name is Jack.

ReeciesPieces: can I have my equipment back?

HJack69: I dunno, maybe.

HJack69: why don't you say please, kiddo, don't you have any manners.

ReeciesPieces: But you don't even need that equipment, I do.

HJack69: .....

ReeciesPieces: Can I have my things back, please?

HJack69: ...

HJack69: Alright kiddo, since you asked nicely.

HJack69: You can get them tomorrow.

ReeciesPieces: ...Thanks I guess?

HJack69 has logged off...]

For a brief moment, Rhys found himself tottering with his mouse, finding it incredibly difficult to locate and click the 'log out' button.

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