Chapter 5

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Chanhee sighed as he looked at the sage green haired male with an annoyed expression. "Are you ready to go?" Kevin asked ignoring the look the younger was giving him as he sat on the other's bed. "Almost." Chanhee simply replied as he did some finishing touches to his makeup.

"It looks fine Hee! Let's go!" Kevin groaned as he kicked his feet like a little kid. "Jesus Christ, okay Kev. Let's go." Chanhee said as he put his eyeliner down and grabbed his tiny carry bag.

"Ehhhh....." Chanhee let out as he saw the outside of the party house. There were people smoking, drinking, and or eating each other's faces. "It'll be fine. I'm here with you." Kevin said as he wrapped an arm around Chanhee's shoulder as they began to walk up to the front door.

"Yea for now, soon you'll be up all over Jacob." Chanhee said with a scoffed and shrug Kevin's arm off him. Kevin displays a hurt expression as he looked over towards his best friend. Chanhee just gave him a knowing look before walking away with Haknyeon.

"So, who's this 'secret' boyfriend?" Chanhee asked as he wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows. Haknyeon started to have a coughing fit as he patted his chest softly. "W-who told you?" Haknyeon said looking over towards the older.

"Oh, so it is true, hm?" Chanhee said as he faked a thinking expression. "What? What is it? Do you not approve of me being gay?! Oh god please say no! I didn't tell you be-"

"Hak, chill! I accept you and your sexuality. Hell I'm gay. I just wanna know who this boyfriend of yours is." Chanhee said, saying the last part in a teasing manner as he bump Haknyeon with his shoulder softly.

Haknyeon took a breathe of relief as he began to laugh. "You'll meet him soon, don't worry." Haknyeon said as he pulled out his phone and saw a message pop up on his screen.

"Sorry Hee, I gotta go. He's looking for me." Haknyeon said as he slid out from under Chanhee's arm. "Oh so he's here?" Chanhee teased as he nudged Haknyeon a little more. "Yea, see ya." Haknyeon said with a wave as he walked through the crowd of sweaty bodies.

Chanhee sighed a content sigh as he looked over the crowd for his friends. He saw the infamous couple happily dancing with each other. Oh how Chanhee wishes to have something like what Kevin and Jacob has.

To have someone to hold and comfort you and care for you with all the love they can give you. Chanhee sighed as he looked away from the couple and over to Hyunjae and Younghoon dancing together.

Chanhee envy hyunjae, but he also felt bad for the older. Hyunjae has had the hugest crush on Younghoon for the longest time. If Chanhee remembers correctly, Hyunjae said since the 6th grade. That's seven years Hyunjae has been liking Younghoon.

And Chanhee is envious of that, he is envious that Hyunjae can keep his heart open for the latter and never give up on trying to win the older's heart over. But it's also sad because Younghoon has never noticed the other's undying love and affection for him.

He never noticed Hyunjae the way Hyunjae wanted to be noticed, Younghoon was too oblivious to Hyunjae and his feelings for him and Chanhee felt bad for Hyunjae.

Chanhee sighed for the nth time since he got to the party and started to walk over to Hyunjae and Younghoon. But as he was walking, someone bumped into Chanhee and knocked him off balance. Chanhee braced himself for impact to the ground, but he didn't felt it. Instead, he felt a lanky body holding onto his fragile one.

He open his eyes to see dark brown orbs staring back at him with worry and concern. Chanhee couldn't help, but to stare at his savior and his deep brown irises. "Are you okay?" The black haired male asked as he helped Chanhee to stand up straight.

"Y-yea, I'm okay. Thank you for saving me." Chanhee said cursing himself silently for stuttering a bit. "That's good and you're welcome." The taller said before the conversation died down and an awkward silence fell over them (even if there was loud music playing around them). "Do you want to go get something to drink?" Chanhee asked as he looked up to the other male.

"Sure, let's go." The male replied with a smile as they walked over to the kitchen. "Just to warn you, don't drink the fruit punch." The male said as he looked over the table full of drinks. Chanhee nodded and started his search for a drink.

"How about that one?" Chanhee said as he pointed to a bottle of Orange soda. "I was thinking Sprite, but sure we can drink Orange soda." The other male said as he grabbed the bottle of soda.

"Or..." Chanhee started as he grabbed two cups and started to pour the Sprite into both then the Orange soda. "We can do both." Chanhee said as he handed a cup over to the other with a smile. "Thanks." The male replied as he took the cup and took a sip of the drink.

Chanhee smiled before taking a sip of his drink. "Wow! This is really good!" The other said with wide eyes as he stared at the cup in awed.

Chanhee laughed at the other's reaction to the drink that was indeed actually good. "I'll have to agree with you." Chanhee said with a smiled as he continued to drink the rest of his drink. "So who dragged you here?" The other suddenly asked, Chanhee looked at him with a confused expression.

"Oh come on, there's no possible way you came here willingly." The male said with a laugh. Chanhee had to laugh as well because it was true. He wouldn't have came to this stupid party if it wasn't for Kevin begging him to come. "You seem to be spot on. My friends dragged me here." Chanhee said after his laughter died down as he looked at the other.

"Funny because my friends dragged me here as well. I rather be sitting on my rooftop stargazing than to be here with all these sweaty bodies." The male said as he gestured to the crowd of dancing bodies, surprised that none of them has dropped yet.

"Relatable, but instead of on the roof, in the warmth of my bed reading." Chanhee said with a chuckle as he watched the crowd dance on each other. It was silent between the two as they watched the crowd dance and down the rest of their drinks.

"Hey, do you want to run away from this party with me?" The male suddenly asked as he turned to Chanhee. Chanhee stared at him for a second as he thought, 'that'll be better than being here....'

"But I don't know your name..." Chanhee let out with a slight frown. He'll love to run away with the other, but they just met and he doesn't know the other's name nor does the other knows Chanhee's name. "Changmin." The male said with a smile as he stuck his hand out. "My name is Changmin."


I feel like this chapter is longer than the other ones, but that's ok because they finally met!!!!

I'm also sorry for not updating this yesterday. I was getting my hair done and I was getting ready for my Titi's graduation that happened today. But enough with that. Here's the update!!!✨✨

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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