Piper, What she Believed

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"Take a deep breath. Remember to breathe and to keep it on the downlow, then you'll survive."

Piper McLean, sixteen, stands with a bubble of air held in her throat in front of her short-term high school, Olympus High. Everything was short-term, from her shifting eyes' colors to her parent's lovers to - they never stopped changing. In the new year, she would most likely be in a different country!

But that didn't matter, all that mattered was getting in and getting out alive. Piper recalled that every mistake was made on the first day. Not long ago, she mapped out everything she could do to make sure that year would run smoothly.

To start, Piper McLean pulled out a crumpled sheet from her worn out satchel bag, studying her first block:

"Room A19, Ms. Athena- Geometry."

She released the trapped air, sucking in another soon after. Olympus High gave off a pulling aura, as if that year was going to be different. The school's windows became its eyes, entangling Piper into a trap. Warm and welcoming, a trap she would refuse, too good to be true. Piper McLean believed in not believing.

A dull, numbing wind pushed past her, she shivered and pulled down the sleeves of her patterned sweatshirt, a usual habit. Straightening herself, she entered Olympus High head first and into another, totally different, world of teenagers. New York was exotic compared any town or city she ever inhabited, it had a spark of feeling. Kids bopped their heads to random blaring beats, emotions expressed, everyone were themselves in New York. Outside of high school, that was, everyone in the system had a lesser version of that, just pumped with anxiety, angst, and every opening of sweat in your body.

A boy, who seemed more awake than the rest, bounced from the crowd to meet Piper's eyes. He grinned, teeth of a werewolf poked through his thin lips, "ya new?" he asked.

"Uh... yeah?" she questioned herself.

His wild hair sprung from its coils and his eyes became ablaze, "well, welcome to highschool!" He spat in her face.

Piper would be covered in shock if that had happened before, if only it were the first. Swiftly, she pulled a tissue from her messy pockets, wiped her tan face, and dumped the tissue in the trash. Quick as that, she was off to her first class.

"Room A19," she muttered and searched along the halls for the slowly fading halls, soon to be student free.

Scanning each sign, she reached Ms. Athena's class right in time for the bell. Everyone was sadly in their seats, all focusing on her as if she just hopped a UFO. She cringed, another failed attempt. Did you really think this was the first time?

Despite it being the ninth time, she still gawked and struggled under the limelight, "uhhh... sup?"

Ms. Athena sighed, her grey eyes piercing with unforgivingness, "do you have a slip?"

Her pinkish lips press into an anxious frown, her eyes cloud with confusion. It was only the first day! Piper tried to stand her ground, however she ended up reasoning, "uh... yeah... no, sorry buddy..."

There was a low chuckle collected by the students, Ms. Athena snapped to them, her eyes almost seemed to bark. Especially because they cowered back with a whimper.

She turned her attention back to the new student and groaned, "I'll let you pass this time- just be sure to have a note next time. Just take a seat in the back."

Piper smiled and quietly praised her teacher and tripped to her seat, she quickly sat down and unpacked her materials. Her doodled notebook and textbook placed on her desk, papers cramped between the pages; her definition of organization. And finally, she dug into her front pocket for her one-and-only, holy two-year lasting mechanical pencil- a blessing.

She had settled, slipped her right earbud in, and placed her feet on the under railing of the desk when she got tapped on the shoulder. In defense, she yanked her head in the direction of the "attacker," a really handsome teen. Messy onyx hair, California skin, and blessing green eyes he had. Her lips shaped a small 'o' in surprise.

"He must be popular, stay on his good side," she thought.

She leaned, waiting for his question. He quickly looked up at the board, then to her, he asked, "do you possibly have a pencil?"

Piper dipped into her backpack, braid ridden hair hitting his face and dropping to the floor. Her hand traveled between the loose erasers and books until eventually she felt something smooth and stick like. Reeling it in, it was not a pencil but a ballpoint pen. Piper revealed it to the looked-to-be jock and mouthed, "does this work?"

The teen nodded and took the pen, he observed its nature for a moment.

"Mr. Jackson, do you have something to share?" Ms. Athena hinted.

"N..no ma'am," he gawked, the class snickered.

However she soon quieted them with her deathly glare and returned to her lesson. A moment later, after silence nearly covered the room, "Mr. Jackson" gave Piper a wink in thanks, she returned it hesitantly.

This time, Piper slipped in both of her earbuds in and lost the class and time. When the bell rang, she collected her bag and homework and was on her way to her second class. 


Author's Note: I have no clue to why or how I edited this, I think it's snowing in hell. Please remember I have poor knowledge on the series now and I may or may not continue editing this. I hope you enjoyed this reboot!

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