Extra Chapter

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My take on the maid of honor and best man speeches!!


Hi everyone! I'm Claire. Vic and I have been friends since we were roughly 5 years old. I wanted to start off by saying congratulations to the happy couple. I love both of you so much and you were both made for each other.

Vic and I met when her parents moved next door to me. At the time, both our backyards had been getting renovated and there was nothing separating them from each other. Much like how Vic and I had grown to be. It wasn't long after she moved in, that I had declared her to be my official little sister.

Since we were so young when we met, every significant moment in Vic's life was shared with me at some point. Even most of the insignificant moments in her life as well.

So when Vic told me she met this really hot guy through Sebastian, I thought little of it. Because I knew of everytime a guy has even looked in Vic's direction. But then when Vic brought him up again, I knew he wasn't just some stranger she talked to once at a bar. And the night after their first date, Vic called me and said and I quote "Claire, I'm going to marry this man. He's such a gentleman and he's got the looks too. And he's like a male version of myself." That's when I knew Chris was going to be it for Vic.

Chris, I am so glad that my best friend gets to be loved by you. The love that you two have for each other is the type of love that fairytales are written about. You can see it in the way that you two look at each other. I have never met two people who complete each other in the way you two do.

I wish you both a lifetime full of happiness and love. To the happy couple!


Hi guys! I guess I should start off by saying who I am, so I'm Sebastian. In relation to the happy couple, I have gotten to be both of their best friends.

I was lucky enough to meet Vic during my first year in LA and she is honestly the person I needed the most at that time. She kept me in line, gave me advice, and even led me through the ups and downs in my career.

Chris, on the other hand, I didn't get the opportunity to meet until a couple years ago. Similarly to Bucky and Steve, Chris and I's friendship goes deeper and has formed into a brotherhood.

Now, let me preface the rest of this by saying that I have been trying to get these two together for like literally years. Like I'm not even kidding. These two made it difficult.

As soon as I met Chris I knew he was perfect for Vic. Which was not something that came very lightly. I mean I would literally make Vic's life living hell when she had a boyfriend I didn't agree with. So when I came to her and said that she had to meet my friend Chris, she straight up laughed in my face.

For years upon years, the two of them always seemed to have different schedules. Until my birthday 2 and a half years ago. The two naturally hit it off, like I had been trying to tell them, and well one thing leads to another and now we have our little Bev.

I have never ever seen two people who are made for each other like the two of you. And it's not like I totally called it or anything.

The relationship between the two of you is what everyone wishes for. I wish you two, and Bev, a happy, healthy, and love filled forever.

AN- Y'all I miss writing this sm omg. expect a few extra chapters here and there;)

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