Part 5: The fault of the manipulated

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Kurumi: brother can i ask you something

Yuto: always

Kurumi: can you maybe help me

Yuto: depends on what

Kurumi: my goal

Yuto: wich is ?

Kurumi: traveling back in time to defeat phantom

Yuto: *he sighs* sure

Kurumi: Thank you *sits down on his lap and hugs him tightly*

Yuto: *looks away but hugs back*

Shido: im wondering what yuto and kurumi are doing

Nia: *next to him* i can only agree on that

Shido: im really not sure what to do now

Nia: *drawing her manga* oh ?

Shido: yea

*While shido and nia are talkingy a kurumi clone uses city of devouring time on a sky scraper and yuto stands on a diffrent sky scraper and makes a knive appear in his hand*

Yuto: *he stabs into the building and makes a field out of shadows appear around taht building stealing the time of every person inside*

Kurumi: oh wow brother heart i didint knew you can do that

Yuto: i've never told anyone the things i can do

Kurumi: i see but how come

Yuto: i dont trust anyone but you

Kurumi: awwww you care about me

Yuto: yes i do

Kurumi: that's good bc i care about you~ *saying it in a teasing tone*

Yuto: *looks away and blushes a little, unsure and a bit uncomftable because of these situation*

Kurumi clone: *finished stealing the time and dissapears in the shadows just to appear next to yuto and kurumi*

Kurumi: thank you me

Kurumi clone: no problem me

Yuto: question do you need help to get the time to the original you or is it like your clones just give you the time when they dissapear into your shadow realm?

Kurumi: second also what do you mean by the first thing you said

Yuto: *makes a knive appear and stabs the clone, stealing all the time she got and stabs with the of time filled knive the realm kurumi and gives her the time hee clone stole*

Kurumi: oh wow

Kurumi clone: *a bit more suprised than original kurumi*

Yuto: now kurumi may i ask a question

Kurumi: yes of course

Yuto: tell me what happened with sawa

Kurumi: why do you ask...

Yuto: *pats his sister* out of anyone i know how much you liked her and how much you mist miss her every day in your life

Kurumi: *sighs softly and nods*

Yuto: so please tell me what happened

Kurumi: *shows yuto the same memories aa she showed shido*

Yuto: *hugs kurumi tightly*

Kurumi: *hugs back, trying not to cry*

Yuto: it wasnt your fault

Kurumi: *looks down* yes it was

Yuto: it wasnt your fault

Kurumi: but it was

Yuto: it wasnt your fault

Kurumi: it was yuto

Yuto: kurumi it wasnt your fault

Kurumi: *breaks down in tears* but it was yuto

Yuto: *holds her eben closer* kurumi... It wasnt your fault, only phantoms she manipulated you like these, she caused us so much pain she is the reason why we are that way

Kurumi: why do you say that

Yuto: am i lying ?

Kurumi: n-no *whipes her tears away*

Yuto: *kisses kurumi's cheek, trying to make her more comftable*

Kurumi: *blushes a little bit and smiles a little*

Yuto: you ok now ?

Kurumi: ye-yes

Yuto: good now let me ask you another question

Kurumi: yes ?

Yuto: do you know a spirit called white Queen ?

Kurumi: ho-how do you know her ?

Yuto: when i was asleep all these years i had a dream about her

Kurumi: i see... Well she is or more was sawa...

Yuto: *obvious confusion*

Kurumi: well one of my clones took gave sawa her powers... and i had to kill her again...

Yuto: *holds her even more tight* im sorry kurumi

Kurumi: no-not your fault *lanes into him*

Yuto: i just cant but feel sorry for you...

Kurumi: *kisses yuto's cheek* all what matters right now is that we are here together again

Yuto: i know

Kurumi: remember a promise you gave me once ?

Yuto: i think so ?

Kurumi: you promised me that you will always will be there to make me happy when im sad

Yuto: *giggles a bit* i thought you meant the other promise ?

Kurumi: what do you mean

Yuto: i once promises you that i would give you the world if you would be happy then

Kurumi: *looks away a bit embarrased*

Yuto: and now i have the abilities to do so

Kurumi: wh-what are you saying

Yuto: if you want me to i can make the world to an perfect place for you

Kurumi: th-thank you but we dont need that yuto

Yuto: dont forget the offer ok ?

Kurumi: ok yuto "he is kinda wierd but i do like him a lot, after all he makes me happy"

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