The Nightmare......

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So ..........

Are you guys ready for teary journey . If yes ? Please continue reading . And .......

So , don't judge the story at the beginning .

And it's a happy ending don't worry .



Third POV

I kept the white roses on his grave , as the sun sets from afar . I wanted to cry ; loud and clear but I don't want to . Not to the people around who was waiting for me to break down . I don't want to make them happy seeing me crying for my lose . Pa who was behind me held my hand just to remind me of him .

I was eagerly waiting for him to return back , he said he would be back , back to me , I wanted to tell him I was pregnant , I wanted him to hug me , kiss me . I wanted him to be with us but the only response the boys got was that a body with bullet shot was found .

I fell on my knees crying , screaming , shouting at everyone but they gave me their fucking pitiful eyes that I didn't need at all . Not when I only needed my husband back .

I walked back from Porsche's grave as I held tightly to my Pa . He had been beside me since that day . Even though I wanted to be alone and sob out my days , he didn't allow me to . Not when I was pregnant.

I again wanted to cry . I bit my lower lips to stop myself from crying as I looked back to the place where he was sleeping peacefully . I didn't want anything but run back and cry but Porsche will be angry at me for letting them laugh at our misery.

Back to the mansion , chay came forward and hugged me , I ruffled his hair and went back to our room shutting the door and laying on his side of bed .

As I close my eyes , I feel him sitting down beside me and running his hands through my hair as again a tear drop rolled down my eyes ..............

Third POV

Porsche had proposed to kinn when they were already dating for four years now . It was nothing simple but also not special . Porsche had asked him to marry him in between they were being chased and shot .

Of course everything around them was about bullets and chasing .

They first met when Kinn was being chased , kinn decided to let him go when they were being chased , and they decided to stay forever together again when they were being chased , how adventurous .

But kinn was the happiest man when Porsche has slipped the shiny , beautiful ring in his hands as everyone congratulated and wished them kinn only wanted to hug him and pull him to their bedroom . And that night was one of the craziest and wildest night of their night .

After Vegas and Pete started to be with Kinn, it was like theirs was the biggest army around the world . And it did increase the enemies for them . Frequent threats and attacks but it didn't lead to downfall but kinn with Porsche beside him with the boys made them more strong .

The boys were happy too , after Pete and Vegas had a happy family with little Venice , Arm had confessed his long non dying crush on Pol and also Big who was grumpy cat was tamed by Khun . Kim and Chay were still slowly working on their issues .

Last but not the least the eldest of the Theerapanyakul was not so openly in a relationship with uncle Chan .
It would have been secretly safe if Khun hadn't walked on them. And Khun being Khun couldn't keep his mouth shut and soon they were seeing each other since the before everything happened . That means they were more sneaky than everyone .

Everyone was happy around . That's when Porsche had to go for a trip regarding his newly opening bar . He had been successfully working with few new branches and they were highly recommended around . He was happy , at last his wishes were not no more just his dreams .

The trip was just for a few days , but it longed for weeks. The regular calls somehow dropped . And for their misfortune he was alone and due to the heavy rains no air services were allowed . The stressful days were taking toll on kinn , he stopped eating properly , no sleeping , every phone calls and messages alerted him. Even though the boys were searching for him , it didn't help kinn at all .

The day was regular , kinn skipped his breakfast , and directly went to the boys and as he was working along he fell unconscious .

Waking up in the hospital bed and his father and brother glaring at him wasn't the issue but when the doctor said that his ignorance of his own health would effect the baby's made kinn regret . That the day when he ate something as called to be proper food without anyone's persuasion .

Later when Korn got the message that the boys were back with Porsche , no one had guessed to see Vegas standing with his head bowed , eyes red and tears dropping , Big too wasn't looking at anyone nor the rest. Kinn walked out from his room , happily holding his tummy only to find his dad and everyone looking at him with sad eyes .

They only gave back his ring and few of his personal accessories and a bad news . That Porsche was shot , dead at the spot . It just took seconds to kinn fall back unconscious only to wake up crying and shout for the lose .


The knock on the door disturbed his sleep . He wiped his puffy eyes and opened the door to find Vegas standing at the door , with a puffy eyes too . Kinn wanted to say no and close the door but he wasn't alone now , he had to take care of someone along with him so he just ate mechanically just to fill him up . He washed up and again was going to the slumber sleep , the only place where he could see Porsche smiling and near him.

Flashback ......

" Stop.... It's ticking." Kinn whined as he felt butterfly kisses on his tummy .

"But it's so soft ...... I want to kiss it more ." Porsche said as made his face like kissing . His head was under kinn t-shirt and layed between his legs . The kisses where not only making him tickle but also hard . And Porsche could definitely feel it poke under him .

Porsche kept a hand on his tummy and slightly ran it up and down and hovered him as he licked his own lips seeing the shy kinn under him .

" I want to see you so full and round with my babies . So I could fill you again and again ." Porsche said as he dived to kiss him . Soon their dress flew out and Porsche was busy making kinn moan and kinn jerked his hips high as they both came .

Porsche kept his head on kinn's tummy as he kissed again.

" you are obsessed with my tummy ."
kinn whispered . But Porsche shushed him and kept his ears at the tummy as he listened carefully .

" Did you hear it ?" Porsche said .

" What ?" kinn asked confused .

Porsche looked at his tummy and said " someone called me Dada" kinn looked at him with tearful eyes before hugging him tight and wishing to god to fulfill his only wish .

Flashback over..........

Kinn sat smiling and crying over the memories . He had his hands protectively at his tummy and looked at the outside world where everyone was busy in their own world and Kinn had now only one single hope to live .

It took lots of efforts for everyone to bring kinn down to the dinner table . As the table filled , the boys filled each other's plate serving their better halves making kinn's eyes water again .

As much he wanted not to cry but every single thing around reminded him of the other.

Even while they were secretly dating , kinn was used by the other filling his plate . He had his own style in doing it. Some rice , bit of chicken even though kinn hated vegies Porsche made sure he did eat it . And now he wasn't hungry anymore .

But as he tried to walk back , a plate was served that was filled just according to his appetite . He gulped down the feeling that his heart screamed but he just ate and walked out without speaking anything or listening to anyone .

As his room was shut Vegas gave a knowing look to Big who sighed defeated .

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