Chapter 7

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Chanhee sighed as he fell back first onto his bed and stared at his ceiling. He just got home after he danced the night away with Changmin at the abandoned gas station. "Tonight went better than I was expecting it to be..." Chanhee said as he turned to his side, cuddling one of his plushies.

Who would have guessed that Chanhee would have bumped into a total stranger, made an orange flavored Sprite, stole one of the stranger's friend's car, drove miles away to a gas station and started asking each other questions, stargazed and danced in the mist of the night.

All with a total stranger.

It all seemed like a fever dream or something out of a movie. It felt surreal being with Changmin. Like if Chanhee were to close his eyes and wake up the next day, the feeling would go away and he didn't want that. He wanted the feeling to stay, never to let go for it could slip through his grasp at any moment.

To Chanhee, being with Changmin felt like once in a lifetime kind of thing. Never to come again and Chanhee was scared to found out if that statement is true. Chanhee doesn't want to lose whatever this feeling he has, he wanted to capture it in a jar and lock it away forever.

"Will I ever meet you again? Will I ever be able to fall into this fever dream with you again?" Chanhee asked himself with a sigh as he slowly closed his eyes even if he didn't want to, he did, dreaming for this fairytale to come back to him tomorrow if that was even possible.


Morning had came, shining through the little crack of the white curtains, waking up the sleeping pink head. Chanhee sat up as he stretched with a yawn, with a sigh he sat in bed for a few minutes staring into space before finally getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

He first got washed up as he forgot to take a shower last night before bed. He then put on the outfit that he planned out while standing under the hot steaming water before finally putting on light makeup. And just like any other day, he heard his sage green haired best friend exclaim his name as he burst right into his room.

"CHANNNNNNN! HEEEE!!!!" Kevin said as usual as he walked over to Chanhee's bed and took up one of the many plushies sat on the bed. "Hey Kev." Chanhee greeted the other, sparing him a glance. "Hey Hee, where did you run off to? I didn't see you after the party." Kevin asked going straight to the point.

Chanhee froze for a moment, realizing that he didn't tell anyone he left. "I met someone...." Chanhee softly said as he continued to do his eyeliner. "Ooooo!~ and who is this 'someone'?" Kevin asked in a teasing tone. "He's just a friend Kev." Chanhee replied with an eye roll at the older's teasing. "Whatever, where did you and this person go?" Kevin questioned.

"We went to a run down gas station." Chanhee simply answered as he stood up and grabbed his book bag. "Come on." He said gesturing to the door as he walked out of it and down the stairs. He made toast before him and Kevin walked out the front door and headed to school. "So, what's his name?" Kevin asked curiously, wanting to know more about Chanhee's late night adventure with this stranger.

"Changmin, he goes to our school." Chanhee answered looking towards Kevin. Kevin nodded with a hum as they continued to walk in silence. "Sorry for leaving without telling you by the way. I was caught in the moment." Chanhee said with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, as long as you had fun." Kevin said wrapping his arm around Chanhee's shoulders with a smile. Chanhee smiles as he was happy to know that Kevin was understanding and didn't lash out on him. But then again, that doesn't sound like Kevin, so why was Chanhee worried about that? Kevin has always been understanding of one's feelings.

Kevin has always stayed calm and collected when it came to situations like this. He would much rather know why you did the thing you did and talk it out with you to not leave any misunderstandings. Maybe that's why Kevin was Chanhee's best friend.

Kevin isn't fake like the others.

"I'll see you later Hee." Kevin said as he patted Chanhee on the head before walking away. Chanhee said a silent goodbye before walking to his locker and getting his supplies out. "Hey Chan!" Haknyeon said, appearing out of nowhere, seemingly more bubbly than usual. "What's got you so jumpy?" Chanhee asked as he glanced over to the younger.

"Nothing~" Haknyeon shyly replied with a smile that made Chanhee concerned and curious. "What did your 'secret' boyfriend do?" Chanhee asked with a knowing expression. "He picked me up this morning and gave me flowers." Haknyeon happily said as he swayed a little.

Chanhee just smiled at the younger because deep down he didn't know what to say. He, himself, wishes for someone to do that to him. He wanted someone to pick him up and give him flowers, or take him out on cute dates (even if it's just to the gas station). The thought of someone wanting him near them sounds like a fantasy that seems too far away.

The bell rings, knocking Chanhee's train of thoughts. "Gotta go, see ya at lunch Chan." Haknyeon sends his farewells with a wave as he walked away from Chanhee. Chanhee silently waved back as he closed his locker.

As he walked down the hall, his mind trailed off to last night. The feeling he felt that night surfaced itself, making Chanhee's heart race just a little faster. The feeling that has no name to it, but seems to be addicting as Chanhee wanted to feel more of it. It was like a drug and Chanhee seems to be already addicted to it.


I feel like Chanhee and Changmin needs therapy, like real bad.

But like always

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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