𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙮, pablo

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❝ you are in love. true love. ❞
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I've been walking around my room for half an hour now not knowing what to do. Of course I want to go check on Isa. But I'm not sure wether or not she'd like that.

I hear a knock on my door and I'm hoping to God it's her. I immediately rush to the door and open it but I'm met by her brother. At least it's a blood relative of hers.

"Hey." He salutes inviting himself as I do in his house. Although I consider Pedri as my brother, his sister I never thought of family in anyway. I only thought of her as someone I would eventually get to fall in love with me.

I was maybe fifteen when I realized I never wanted to even get near any other girl that isn't Isabel González. And I never did. Even when she was away, she was always on my Goddamn mind.

I'm a twenty two year old virgin. So what? What's wrong with that? I'd rather die a virgin than ever touch someone who isn't Isabel. Sure, I've made out with some women. Mostly because I was drunk.

"So," Pedri speaks up as he adjusts himself on my bed. He's probably here to explain what the hell happened earlier.

"So," I reply, waiting for his explanation, leaning on the desk facing the bed.

"I'm not sure how to explain it." He admits. "It's a long story." He adds.

"I have all day." I answer switch places and go sit on the corner of my bed while he's comfortably laid.

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that." He sights. "So," He repeats and I'm about to murder him.

"Stop with the so, and get to the story." I order.

"Isabel was twelve? Yeah I think it was twelve, maybe thirteen." He finally starts. "You remember our crappy parents right?" How can I forget them? They abused my two favorite people. I nod for him to continue. "First time they umm, hit me. Isabel freaked the fuck out." I can see it pains him to talk about it. I feel sorry, I don't want to force him to tell me something he's uncomfortable talking about.

"Pedri," I try to stop him but he dismisses me.

"No. I have to tell you. I want to tell you. You're my best friend." He argues before going on with the story. "My mom locked her in her room because she was screaming her heart out while my dad hit me." I hate these people.

"The next day, Isabel was scared shit when she saw my parents. Of course, they pretended nothing happened. Over the next few weeks, Isabel kept having recurring panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Whenever someone got too close to her, or when she'd just take a look at our parents." His eyes are red and holing back tears. I've never seen Pedri really cry in our whole years of friendship. If we'd loose an important match, he'd tear up a bit sure and was angry. But he never really cried.

"After a month of these attacks, I finally took her to a doctor." He wasn't the one supposed to do that. A child's parents takes them to the doctor. Not their sibling. "She got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression." My jaw basically drops, not literally.

I've always known Isa to be this sunshine person. Maybe a little bitchy which made her her. But never have I thought she was depressed or had anxiety. I knew she had a shit life, but it never crossed my mind that it affected her mental health that much.

"We both started working, that's why I missed a lot of training. We needed money to afford her medication. Our parents barely gave us money to eat, let along for medical purposes." I have never had such hatred towards someone as I do right now at their parents. And that's me. I have no idea how Pedri and Isabel feel.

"For a year it was really hard. But Isa was getting better. And that was what counted. I was tired shit, so was she. But that was life for us." He sights before standing up and heading to the tissue box while he continued talking. "Once I joined Barca officially, and got paid. It turned our world upside down. I didn't tell my parents about the huge paycheck I'd just got. And it was more than enough to assure her medicines for like a year." He takes a breath before sitting back down on the bed.

"She could quit her job and so could I. We could focus on school and get the fuck out of that house." He sneaks in a forced chuckle. "I turned eighteen and a a few month later they died." Good riddance.

"She got over her depression after two years of their death. She still had anxiety. Panic attacks and tired most of the time. But," He takes a breath before saying it. "Isabel is the strongest person I know." He smiles a bit and his tears were basically gone. His eyes were still red. "She moved out, made it all on her own. Never using her mental health as an excuse."

He lets out a long sight I feel he was holding in. I've watched sad movies, read sad books and shit. But, her story is by far the saddest yet strongest.

I start thinking about when she thought she lost her purse and freaked the fuck out. It was because it had her medicine. How she'd spend an immense time in the bathroom. To take her pills without anyone knowing. How she'd always no matter what have her bag next to her. To not loose her medicine.

I want to say something. I have to say something. I have no idea what though. What do you say to someone who just told you about their crappy life? 'I'm sorry?'

"Pedri..." I start not knowing how to continue.

"It's fine." He smiles looking me straight in the eyes. "It's over now. She's better, I swear." I don't see how she's better if she just had a panic attack. "She hasn't had one since three weeks ago."

"Three weeks ago?!" I interrupt him realizing it may have been when I was around.

"She used to have them every day. She also used to be sad all the time. Now she can't seem to stop smiling." That is kind of true. "And you are mainly the reason." He adds.

"What?" I ask, not knowing what he means.

"You're making her smile. I see it. I'm not blind. Last night? You made her smile all night long dude. Olive also may have let it slip to me that she talks about you. Not in a bad way, surprisingly." He tells me. "Look, as much as I hate that my little sister is growing up and getting feelings and stuff. But I'd rather her going out with my second favorite person than a stranger." He admits.

"I'd rather sleep at night knowing that my little sister is loved and appreciated in the way that she should've been ever since she was a little kid. And I know that she will because," He sights looking me straight in the eyes with only honesty in his eyes. "I see the way you look at her. I've only seen it in movies and quotes when they say 'his eyes sparkled when he saw her' but your eyes really do sparkle whenever you look at her."

"I love her Pedri." I admit. I can't deny it anymore. It's too much. Because I'm really fucking in love with her. "I will always love her. And maybe that sounds too cliché and shit but," I try to formulate the words in my head before speaking. "When I saw her that way earlier. Crying, freaking out. A part of me was freaking out even more. I couldn't see her in pain like that. She doesn't deserve it. She really doesn't." I tell him.

I never thought the day would come where I'd admit my feelings for Isabel to Pedri. I was always sure he'd be mad at me or would ban me from seeing her. Not only that, but I can't believe I'm openly talking about it because I've always kept my feelings for myself.

"Dude," Pedri starts. "I think, maybe at some point, you're in love." He jokes leaving us both in chuckle.

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍,  pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now