Chapter 9

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"Thank you again for your help, Chanhee"

"No problem again, Mrs. Ji. I'm always willing to help." Chanhee said with a smile as he picked up a box of books from the car. "Mommy, Minnie is taking forever in the bathroom. Can you tell him to hurry up." A little boy with black hair whined from the door step. Chanhee laughed fondly at the boy's cuteness. "Not now Jeong, I'm busy right now. He'll most likely be out in a minute." Mrs. Ji said waving her son off. Jeong pouted before going back inside.

"How old is he?" Chanhee asked as he looked away from the door to the middle aged female. "He's five, turning six in two months." Mrs. Ji said as she closed the car door. "Sounds exciting. What will you guys be doing to celebrate?" Chanhee asked as he followed the woman into the house. "His brother and his friends will be taking him out for his birthday. Me and Mr. Ji will be too busy to celebrate." Mrs. Ji said as she walked into the kitchen.

"You can set the box right there." Mrs. Ji said as she pointed to an open spot in the living room. Chanhee set the box down and looked around the living room. He saw pictures upon pictures of this little boy and the other little boy he met. "Is this your oldest?" Chanhee asked as he pointed to a picture of a little boy with black hair happily eating an ice cream cone.

"Yes, he was a bubbly boy indeed...." Mrs. Ji said trailing off with a sad expression before returning to her blank expression and continued to pour two cups of juice or so Chanhee thought was juice. "Was?" Chanhee questioned looking towards the woman with curiosity. "I rather not talk about it. Juice?" Mrs. Ji changed the topic as she lifted the cup up. Chanhee shrugged as he had time to spare and happily walked over to the dining table.

"So how's your family Chanhee?" Mrs. Ji asked as she sips her juice and looked towards the teenager. Chanhee took one look at the cup and noticed that it wasn't juice, but rather wine. Chanhee frown a little as he caught onto what Mrs. Ji was trying to do. 'Never thought she'd stood too low.' He thought.

"My family is good." Chanhee answered as he played dumb.

"That's good, I heard your mom is huge success." Mrs. Ji said with a hint of jealousy that Chanhee caught on quite quickly. Before the conversation could continue, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a voice calling out. "I'm heading over-"

The male stop his sentence midway as he stared at the pink haired boy sat at his dinning table with his mom. He then moved his eyes to the cups in his mother's hands and instantly got upset, "don't come home too late now Changmin, Jeong still needs you to read to him." Mrs. Ji said as she sipped on her 'juice'. "Right....I won't." Changmin said as he tried to give Chanhee signals to follow him out. Chanhee caught on instantly.

"Well, Mrs. Ji. It was nice helping you, but I have to go now. Dinner should be done." Chanhee said as he stood up and bowed. "Awe, I was hoping to talk to you more. But alas, you can go." Mrs. Ji said with a hint of annoyance. Chanhee walked out the house, followed by Changmin as he gave his mom a looked.

"You didn't drink anything from that cup, did you?" Changmin asked after closing the door to his house, turning to Chanhee.

"I caught onto what she was doing. Never thought your mother would stood that low." Chanhee said with cross arms. "Sadly. She was never like this, but tragic accidents can change a person." Changmin said with a shake of his head as he started to walk down to the sidewalk, Chanhee following him.

"So where are you going?" Chanhee asked changing the subject. "I was heading over to Eric's, wanna come?" Changmin answered as he looked over towards the other. "Sure, why not?" Chanhee said with a shrugged. Changmin smiled that smile that finally resurfaced all thanks to Chanhee's existence.


"You're lying!" Three males let out in disbelief as they stared at the pink haired boy standing in front of them. "Hey, you must be Chanhee. I'm Juyeon." Juyeon introduced himself while the other three snapped out of their traces. "Nice to meet you Juyeon." Chanhee sweetly replied with a smile. " really are an angel..." Hyunjun said in awed as he left his mouth hang open.

"Alright now Hyun, don't scare him." Changmin said butting in. Eric closed Hyunjun's mouth as Changmin decided to give Chanhee an introduction of the three. "This is Hyunjun, he's the oldest of the three." Changmin said pointing to the male with the black mullet as he waved.

"This is Sunwoo, he's a little slow at times, but he's fun to be around." Changmin said pointing to the red haired male who gave Changmin a glare for the horrible introduction (even if the introduction was right.)

"And this is Eric, the youngest and most energetic." Changmin said as he patted the male with blonde hair on the head. They all waved with smiles, still too stunned to talk.

"Well it's nice to meet all three of y'all, I'm sure my friend group will adore you guys. Kevin would have definitely adore you and you. While Haknyeon would have fallen instantly in love with you." Chanhee said pointing to Hyunjun and Eric then to Sunwoo who nervously laughed. "Ha! You met one of Haknyeon's friends before he even introduced you to them." Eric exclaimed with a loud laugh, falling to the floor.

Chanhee widened his eyes as he understood what Eric meant. "You're Haknyeon's 'secret' boyfriend!?" Chanhee asked with an accusing finger towards Sunwoo. "Surprise...?" Sunwoo nervously replied with awkward arm moments. "He refers Sunwoo as secret boyfriend?" Hyunjun asked before laughing.

"No, no. He doesn't, it's what we refer Sunwoo to as Haknyeon isn't good at hiding things." Chanhee said with a chuckle, clearing up any misunderstandings.

Changmin watched from afar with a fond smile as Chanhee was getting along with his friends better than he expected. "Better than you thought?" Juyeon asked and Changmin nodded.


Oooooo!!!! I'm so in love with this book really!!!!

It's making me happy in many ways than one!!!!

But as always

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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