Chapter 10

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"Thanks again for the ride." Chanhee thanked as he hopped out of the car and waved goodbye before walking up to his house and walking inside. Changmin waited as he watched Chanhee enter his house. "Are we going to leave?" Eric questioned as he looked at Changmin. "Calm down Eric, Changmin needs to make sure that his boyfriend is safe inside." Hyunjun said taking this chance to tease the older.

"Friend, he's not my boyfriend." Changmin corrected the younger as he began to drive off. "Yet. He's not your boyfriend, yet." Hyunjun said with a cheeky smile, Changmin just rolled his eyes and paid attention to the road instead. "He didn't deny it!" Sunwoo exclaimed as the three started to 'ooo' the older who just shook his head.

One by one, Changmin dropped off the triplets before heading back home. Changmin kicked off his shoes by the door after he closed it. "You're home early." Mrs. Ji stated as she was sat at the dining table in the same spot Changmin last saw her in.

"I have school tomorrow and I still have to read Jeong a bed time story because his parents don't give a shit about their own kids anymore." Changmin said with a hint of hatred as he headed towards the stairs. "You act like it's not your fault we're like this." Changmin froze at the end of the stairs by that statement.

He shook his head as he tried not to let his mother get in his head. "Maybe if you weren't too stupid enough Haneul would still be here." Just with that statement could do more than just set Changmin off.

"At least I tried! I tried to get there!" Changmin yelled as he rushed into the kitchen with a red face from anger as he stare at his mother. "Where were you? What were you doing at the time?" He asked with anger because it was true, his mother was nowhere to be seen when he made it to the scene.

It was just him, the police, an ambulance, and the lifeless body cover in blood at the scene. His parents were still at work, oblivious to what was happening.

"You did nothing to stop it! You were so into whatever the fuck you were doing to realize that she was hurting inside. You were too invested that you turned away from your kids to notice their pain! Then even after she passed you turned your back on your son when he turned three! Aren't you supposed to be his mother? Aren't you supposed to be his hero? The person he can turn to in his darkest times? The same thing that Haneul ever wanted." Changmin was fed up.

He was fed up with keeping it all in, he had to let it out. "Where were you mother!?" He lastly said before running upstairs with tears rushing down his face. "Minnie.....?" A tiny voice called out as small footsteps approached Changmin's bed.

Changmin quickly wiped his tears away before looking at the little boy, "hey bud, did you pick a book out yet?" Changmin asked softly as he pulled the boy into his embrace. "Yea. Who's Haneul?" Jeong curiously asked as he stared up at the older. "Don't worry about it. For now let's read this book and get ready for bed." Changmin said as he set the boy next to him and took the book into his hands.



The only thing that seem to shine bright in Changmin's life, other than his little brother. Changmin carefully sat up and got out of bed to get ready for school. He got washed up, dressed himself, got clothes ready for Jeong before making breakfast for himself and put Jeong's breakfast in the fridge next to his lunchbox before grabbing his book bag and heading out the door.

Changmin inhaled the morning breeze before exhaling and started his walk to school. His train of thought drove back to last night and the argument he had with his mother. "How could she just blame me for everything. She was stuck up in her no go of a job when it happened. It was also her's and dad's fault she's not here anymore. I'm not the only one to blame, I'M NOT!" Changmin yelled the last part, probably looking like a crazy person to outsiders. He took a deep breath in before releasing it.

"You're not what?" A voice asked as footsteps started to match his. He looked over to see the pretty pink haired that surrounds the back of his head. He smiled at the other, shaking his head, "it's nothing. Good morning." Changmin answered as he looked forward again.

"Good morning as well." Chanhee returned the greeting before they continued their walk in a comfortable silence. "You know, this is my first time seeing you around school." Chanhee said as he glanced at the taller.

"It's actually not." Changmin said with a knowing look. Chanhee made a sound of confusion as he tilted his head. "I don't understand." He let out as he looked at the other. "Remember last Monday you bumped into someone?" Changmin asked as they stopped in front of the school's entrance.

"How did you know I bumped into someone? Are you stalking me?" Chanhee said as he pointed his finger at Changmin. "No silly, I'm the one you bumped into." Changmin said with a laugh.

Changmin's laughter grew as he saw the other's shock expression. "You were the one I bumped into!?" Chanhee asked in disbelief and Changmin nodded. "That can't be right! It had to be someone else. But then again, I didn't quite see who bumped into me so it could have been...." A gasped was heard from the pink haired male as he looked up at the other and covered his mouth.

Changmin just smiled at the other. In that moment, Changmin could see why everyone thought Chanhee was beautiful. From his smooth milky skin to his pretty pink lips. From his perfectly shaped nose to his perfectly round face and eyes. Chanhee was the definition of an angel and Changmin is just now noticing it.


Omg!!!! We made it to our double digits!!!!

Shit is about to go down!!! Buckle up!!!!

Like always

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

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