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Donghyuck remembers the day more vividly than he ever wanted to.

It was his birthday, the sun was shining brightly and he woke up in a good mood. He always looked forward to the many birthday wishes from his closest friends and especially the paragraph his best friend always sent the morning of.

After his 7th grade year it had become a tradition, his best friend/crush Huang Renjun would send an entire paragraph about how much he means to him, but he did it first.

Maybe that was the year Donghyuck realized how much he loved the boy, how much he meant to him. He was up at 4am on March 23rd, drunk on sleepiness and just began to type away in his notes. When he finished, he sent him the note without even thinking twice.

Huang Renjun obviously loved it, surprised and touched by the birthday wish, so he did it for Donghyuck on his birthday. Then it became a tradition.

This morning had been different, however. Donghyuck woke up and happily checked his phone. He scrolled and scrolled through his notifications, but no matter how hard he looked, not one was from Huang Renjun.

Not one had his best friends name, nickname, anything. Even so, Donghyuck waited. Maybe his friend was still sleeping?

He waited.

And waited.

And waited.

He waited until 12am June 7th, and nothing.

Not one peep from his friend, he was crushed.

Then it came, June 7th, yesterday, at 9am. It was a call from Renjun's mother.

Nothing could explain the pain, the emptiness, Donghyuck felt when the words left her mouth. The words came out rather softly, but they felt like a knife piercing his heart before pulling it out, his organ attached to the bloody blade.

"Donghyuck, sweetie"

She had spoke in the softest voice he had ever heard from the woman. Although she has always been kind, Renjun's mom had also always been more stern and strict. An independent woman with morals that ran deep and she made sure people knew of it.


Donghyuck's voice had been shaking when he answered. He didn't know at the time what was to come, the pain that he was about to feel. His heart about break into a million pieces.


The name seemed hard for her to say, and maybe that is when Donghyuck should've known, when he did know, but the idea was so foriegn to him. Who would ever think of something so tragic happening to one of there closest friends? Their best friend at that.

"is he okay?"

His voice continued to shake along with hers, unwanted fear creeping through him. It was as if all of the sudden his entire body began to feel cold, the clouds seem to cover the sun, and not one smile seemed to show any form of optimism.

"Donghyuck sweetheart, Renjun passed away yesterday at 4pm. He wanted to tell you happy birthday, but he just couldn't, and I couldn't tell you on your special day."

She seemed to continue to talk, but he couldn't hear her. His vision went cloudy and he soon felt wet, and oddly cold, tears begin to fall down his face. A few fell to his mouth, the salty taste filling it.

"Donghyuck, I'm so sorry."

He doesn't know how the rest of the conversation went, but hearing her apologize to him when she was the one who lost her son had made him hurt more.

He had fallen to his knees, staring at the wall as tears poured down his face, an unbelievable amount of pain beginning to fill him up.

His head began to pound, his heart began to hurt, and soon without warning, the loudest wail he has ever let out came. It echoed throughout his room, and when his parents came in they stopped in shock, fear, and so much overwhelming empathy they almost joined him on the floor with no idea what had happened to their son.

Huang Renjun, HIS Huang Renjun was dead.

He soon had talked to the others about it who had gotten the same call. Jaemin seemed rather calm, heartbroken, but calm.

It was then, everything from the past weeks flew through his mind. First Renjun looking sad, then sick, and then the way Jaemin began to pay an abnormal amount of attention to the other. How he began to follow him around, talk to him more, and even look at him with eyes that seemed to hold a twang of despair.

Jaemin had known, but Donghyuck couldn't feel it in himself to be mad at his friend.

He knew he too had lost a close friend, one who even had become impossibly closer during his last days. They all had, him, Jeno, and Jaemin being the most hurt, but it still affected them all.

It hurt, so much,and the feeling only got worse when Donghyuck woke up today, a box sitting on his desk. His parents had texted him it came in the mail.

He walked over to the box, expecting some sort of late birthday present or 'feel better soon' gift, but it was anything but that.

Tears had been falling nonstop since he had gotten the news, but more fell when he saw the box. In neat writing from his past friend, he sees the words 'To My Beloved Donghyuck'.

He carefully opened the box, slowly and with shaking hands. When he looked inside, he saw many letter placed carefully in rows.

After staring at the five neat rows, he carefully pulls out an envelop in the left corner and stares as the number 1 looks at him.

He tries to hold back his sobs as he looks between the number 1 and the many more letters still untouched in the box.

Although a large part of him didn't want to know, he reaches for the right hand corner and pulls the letter up, the number 100 written prettily.

Donghyuck couldn't hold it anymore, he fell to his knees again, unable to see and unable to breathe.

Huang Renjun wrote him 100 letters.

Which probably meant he knew he was dying for those 100 days, and Donghyuck didn't notice.

He looked at letter number 1, still in his hand, through glassy eyes. He knew that he would have to read all 100.

No matter how much it would hurt, he would read them all.

And he was ready.

He was ready to read the last words of the person he loved the most in the world, even if it meant falling into a pit of darkness he could never get out of, even if it meant crying until all of the water inside his body had been washed out.

He loved Renjun too much not to.

He loves Renjun too much not to.

He would begin tomorrow, he promised himself that night as he lay in his bed, the box still sitting on his desk.

Before drifting to sleep, dried tears on his cheeks, wet ones still welling in his eyes, five words continously drifted through his mind.

I miss you Huang Renjun.

I miss you Huang Renjun

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welcome to hell <3


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