Cold Marrage {{Jikook}} Pt. 1

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This story was requested by Arya485

Where life was good up until that point where everything turned around. It's hard having rich parrents all their friends kids are forced to be your friends. But what if you saw one of them as something else, but they only saw you as annoying or as just someone they were forced to talk to. How would you react?

It was a normal morning for me. Or at least as normal as it can get for a 19 year old who lives in a penthouse, growing up on nothing but butlers and maids. It's not as fun as it sounds. "Morning" I greeted my parents who seemed to not care. "Oh um, Jim-...son" I rolled my eyes at my dad. "Jimin" I corrected him. "Well, Jimin. Your getting married" He said making me spit out my water. "What?! To who?" I yelled. "Remember the Jeon family. Their son Jungkook is now the CEO of their company. We thought it was a good idea if you guys got married." I looked at her with my mouth open. "Oh my god! What is wrong with you people, I'm not marrying him." I said then leaving the house but not before I slammed the door.

I didn't always hate Jungkook, we used to be friends, so I thought. When we were younger our parents forced us to become friends. I thought we got along great till one day he said I was too clingy and annoying. Normally those words didn't hurt, but it did hearing it from him. He was my first love and the only person I loved. We haven't talked since but I never stop thinking about him. Unlike Jungkook, I wanted a normal life. I go to college and I made friends who din't want to be friends with me because of my money.

I was in a meeting before it got interrupted by my parents. Once everyone made eye contact everyone left without asking anything. I started at the them while twiddling my pen in my hand. "What do I owe this visit" They slid papers down the table that stopped directly infront of me. I read the papers with a stern face. "Absolutly not" I refused. "You don't have a choice" My mother spoke. "I'm not marrying that thing. He's so annoying" I ranted. "You guys used to be friends what happened." I tilted my head to the side while looking at her. "No you guys forced us to become friends. Now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting to finish." They left me with the papers and let everyone back inside. "Now please continue" I said to my possible business partner. I kept staring at the papers so long I hadn't realized the meeting was almost over. As much as I hated to admit it I never forgot Jimin, as much as I wanted.

I sat in the back of the limo on my way to school, having a nice converstation with our family driver. Of course I never had the privilege of my parents driving me to school. While all people envy me, I envy people who aren't rich. I got super excited when I saw my friends waiting for me at the entrence. As soon as he stopped I waved goodbye and fled the car.

I ran up behind my friend Taehyung and covered his eyes. "Jimin?" He said which made me giggle. "I have so much to tell you" I said as we walked in school. "So my parents are making marry someone" I said makig Taehyung stop in his tracks. "Who?" Now that I think of it, Taehyung knew nothing about Jungkook. "My parents business partners son." I explained out past as we got to our locker. "Wow" Taehyung responded. "I know right. It's a lot to deal with. I just want a normal life. "Will you come with me to meet him." I asked in hopes he'd say yes. "Yea" I smiled and finished getting my things from my locker.

10 minutes into the class someone came barging in our class. It was the one and only Jeon Jungkook. I covered my face out of embarrassment. "Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung" He basically screamed out our names. "Sorry" I apologized the class as I quickly grabbed my things. Taehyung followed behind with his head down. "What the hell Jungkook!" I yelled once we got outside. He ignored me so I grabbed his wrist. "I'm talking to you, jerk!" Taehyung stood silently next us. "Now that's no way to talk to your future husband." He smirked and walked off. "Your getting married to that" I glared at Taehyung before dramatically stomping off.

The car ride was awkwardly silent. "Hey fuckface where you taking us." I chuckled at Taehyung. "Somewhere jackass" Taehyung sat back and rolled his eyes. "See this is why I said just marry me and Yoongi " Taehyung joked. What happened to the Kookie I know? "Get out" He said rudely. I could've just stayed in school. "Where the hell are we" We were in front of a large building. "I have a meeting but it was the same time I'm supposed to pick you up. " I looked at him unbelievable. "Jungkook take me back to school" I demanded. "Yea, I never signed up to be kidnapped " Jungkook shot Taehyung a glare. Jungkook once again ignored us. "Jackass did you hear him, take us back" Taehyung tapped his shoulder for some reason it made him mad. "Fine you wanna go back, I'll take it back, get in the damn car and shut up." Me and Taehyung both got in the car silently. I planned to go home and shut down this marriage.

When I got home he was there. "Fuck this" I muttered then ran upstairs. I could hear my parents call after me but I didn't care. I could care less, they were forcing me to marry this jackass. I went downstairs to get something to eat. "Jimin" My parents called my name. "What!" I yelled back. "Come say and stop being rude" I looked at Jungkook who had no expression. "We've met before, I don't like him." I gathered my food and went upstairs.

"Who's gonna tell him that we get married tomorrow?" I heard Jungkook ask the adults. "I hate you guys" I yelled from the top of the stairs.


It was finally the day I got married. I don't even like the dude, why am I so nervous? Taehyung was my best man and Jungkook older brother Namjoon was his.

I was the walk down the aisle. "Do you Park Jimin take Jeon Jungkook to be your husband?" The priest asked. "I-I do" I stuttered. "Do you Jeon Jungkook take Park Jimin to be your husband?" Jungkook answers with a quick "I do" "You may now kiss your groom" Jungkook leaned in to kiss me but I blocked him with my hand. "Remember I'm annoying" I said while putting on a fake smile.

I respectfully talked to the people after for after the wedding. "Looks like you got your wish after all" Jungkook said coming into my dressing room. "I'd rather die" I rolled my eye at him. "Here" He tossed me a pair of keys. "We're living together" He announced as if I'm supposed to be happy. "Hell nah" I stormed out to find my parents. I didn't have to go far because they were on their way to find me. "I'm not moving in with the jerk" I yelled. "Jimin, it's finally now go." I look back to see Jungkook behind me. I stormed out to the car.

This is going to be a horrible marriage.

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