It Couple

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If there is someone that would be the embodiment of everyone's high school crush it would be the 'Zee Pruk' of class A, senior year.

Top of the class, student council president, athletic, friendly, nice and most of all handsome like a greek God. He is someone that everyone wants to be with. And also someone that everyone is jealous of, because how can someone be perfect? How is it possible that he's smart, has a good attitude and has good looks? Definitely the creator's favorite.

It's impossible not to take a second look when he passed by. Everyone's craning their heads just to take another glance at him.

But after all those dreamy eyes comes a sigh from everyone.

Because they're beloved 'Zee Pruk' is taken by the high school sweetheart the 'Nunew Chawarin' and it's impossible not to see them together.

They are always glued to each other's side, giving each other heart eyes and holding hands as it's the only public display of affection that is allowed inside the school's premises.

The high school sweetheart 'Nunew Chawarin' is what everyone calls the child of Aphrodite, with his unmatched beauty everyone is for sure left speechless when they see him. Aside from his beauty it can't also be forgotten that he is a genius, being the editor-in-chief of their school's publication. He has bagged awards here and there for their school.

All in all they are called the 'It Couple' of their school. It's almost impossible not to know them when their faces are plastered inside and outside of the school's premises. Their achievements are proudly posted in every corner.

"Good morning everyone, another week has started for us once again. I just want to remind everyone that the midterms are coming soon so please be ready."

Everyone can be heard whining and groaning at his reminder and Zee just laughs at his schoolmates. He already knows that everyone hates the exam period, because to be honest, who even likes it?

"I know, I know. But there's really nothing that we can do because as far as I know the teachers are already ready to give us the test papers, let's just do our best to review our notes and if you don't have notes just pray, okay? That would be all, have a lovely week everyone! Oh, one more thing! Congratulations to Khun Nunew Chawarin for winning my heart, aowww I mean the national spelling competition. I am proud of you, I mean everyone's proud of you."

"Aish it's always like this every Monday Mr. President. Stop being a whipped boyfriend!" Zee's best friend, Net, shouted, making everyone laugh. Zee just laughed along with them while Nunew was blushing and hiding his face because his friends started teasing him as well.

Zee went down from the stage after telling them that their Monday announcements were finally finished and everyone can now go to their respective classrooms. He went straight to his boyfriend ignoring his best friend who's calling his attention.


"Hia! You are such a menace, why would you say that in front of everyone!"

"Why? Hia's not wrong though, you really won my heart." Nunew slapped his arms and gritted his teeth at him. Zee just smiled and looked at the other with adoration.

"Let's just go Hia, we'll be late to class if we don't move now."

"Okay krub, let's go naaa~" Zee held Nunew's hand and the other didn't protest, just letting himself enjoy the warm feeling of his lover's hands holding his own.

Nunew looked back to see his best friend James bickering with Net. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head knowing that it's a waste of energy to make them stop. There will never be a peaceful day if they are within each other's radius.

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