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A/n: how does this almost have 100 reads ☠️.







"Alright so what club are we checking out first??" Hyo asked, his eyes gleaming at all the clubs.

"You pick." Isagi shrugged looking around, it was, an interesting experience in his opinion.

"Ooo! How about this one?" Hyo asked pointing the art club.

Isagi stared at the club contemplating, he stared at Hyo and back at the club for before back at Hyo.

"You can draw?" Isagi asked.

"Well, there's no harm in learning." Hyo shrugged.

"Okay.." Isagi sighed.

And so, that was the 2 of them for 4 hours, looking at every club, they didn't join any though. It was now around 12pm, Isagi waited outside the boys bathroom for Hyo, he was too busy on his phone to notice his surroundings.

He jumped back slightly when Hyo waved his hands Infront of his face.

"Oh, there we go, welcome back to earth." Hyo chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah." Isagi shook his head putting his phone away.

"Now what do we do?" Hyo asked.

"Go home." Isagi yawned.

"And do??" Hyo turned to Isagi.

"Nothing, we sleep." Isagi nodded.

"That's boring." Hyo shrugged.

"We could go grab a bite instead." Hyo grinned.

"With...what money?" Isagi tilted his head.

Hyo pulled out a 50 dollar note.

"Where in the world did you get that from?" Isagi asked.

"My bank account obviously." Hyo said sarcastically.

"You have money in there?" Isagi asked.

"Wh- of course I do!" Hyo huffed very clearly offended.

"That's a surprise." Isagi shrugged.

"Oh right, Isagi, we forgot to check out the soccer club." Hyo mentioned.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat first." Isagi said already walking away.

Hyo nodded catching up to him as he walked besides him, he brought up a random topic to make it less awkward with him and Isagi, he didn't really like the atmosphere when they were both silent, probably because Hyo talks too much and Isagis just used to it.

They walked out of school boundaries and down the street to the nearest cafe, once there after 20 minutes, they went inside and say down, well Isagi was the one who sat down, Hyo went up to the counter to order.

After doing so, Hyo sat down by Isagi while Isagi was on his phone waiting for there order. They would have a conversation here and there while waiting for the food, but not long ones.

"—He was also one of those, 'oh me my' kinda people, you know Isagi?" Hyo said taking another bite of his food.

"He sounds like a jackass to me." Isagi shrugged.

"Oh...he's that too!" Hyo nodded his head in agreement.

Isagi finished before Hyo, only because he didn't order much. Once Hyo finished, they cleaned their area up for the waitress and walked out, heading back to the school.

"I wonder if the soccer team would know you." Hyo said.

"Hm...why would they know me?" Isagi asked

Hyo stared at him, deadpanning him.

"What?" Isagi asked confused.

"Are you stupid..,?" Hyo asked.

Isagi contemplated for a second before clicking.

"Right nevermind.." Isagi said.

Hyo chuckled and they continued their way back to the school. Once arrived they headed straight to the soccer club. It was at the field, which was no surprise, they arrived to the field staring at the team.

"Isn't it the group thats in our English class?" Hyo questioned tilting his head.

"They might still be mad for throwing the paper at them.," Hyo mumbled slightly.

"Is there seriously no other people...?" Isagi sighed softly.

"And yous are?" A voice said behind them.

They both turned to look at the person, long hair, cherry coloured, they were quite pretty.

"Isagi Yoichi." Isagi said.

"Uh...Hyo ...Hyo Kanji." Hyo waved slightly.

"Were yous looking to join the soccer club?" They tilted their head.

Hyo and Isagi stared at each other before looking back at the cherry haired.

"No..just looking." Hyo explained.

"Alright then." The person shrugged.

"We'll be off now." Hyo said bowing slightly before gripping onto Isagis arm and running making Isagi confused.

The cherry haired watched as they ran off a bit confused, he shrugged it off and walked over to his group again.

"Oh, Chigiri." A voice said to him.

"Need something, Rin?" Chigiri asked turning his head to him.

"Who were those 2?" Rin asked.

"The 2 from middle school." Chigiri replied simply.

"Oh? So it is him?" A voice chimed in with excitement filled in his voice.

"Yep, Isagi Yoichi and Hyo Kanji, right?" Chigiri said.

"So we did get the right high school."




A/n: this is so bad I'm sorry, I wrote this at like, 2am ☠️☠️

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